Your Body Is Like A Car – Why You Need to Show it Some Love

    The body is an intelligent machine of interconnected parts. Your body, like a car, is an intelligent machine. Every part functions individually and also collectively with other parts, creating a whole system. This system of parts makes up the vessel we know of and experience as our physical body. Looking at your health with this powerful analogy in mind will have you start to really understand why regular preventive maintenance is extremely important.

    Many people (mostly men) know more about how their car works than how their own body works. This article is powerfully designed to bring awareness to the body/car concept, so you can be inspired to start adding some regular maintenance to your machine.


    Preventative Maintenance

    Every process taking place and every working organ know what to do and how to do it, flawlessly. In comparison to a well-maintained car, a healthy body rarely makes a mistake. Oil changes and tire rotations every few months; coolant, transmission, and brake fluid flushes every couple of years. Replacement battery, brake pads, tires, wiper blades, etc …

    These are simple, yet effective preventative maintenance (PM) services we are aware of that should be performed regularly. This will help to maintain a healthy engine, and sustain a long life. There are also many other PM services we can do to have a reliable car that lasts many years. The reason I describe the car analogy so much in this article is so you can really understand the similarities of your body’s mechanical functioning and the importance of prevention.


    If preventative care is not maintained, the human body (much like a car) will start to show signs of wear and tear in the form of symptoms. These symptoms are just signs and signals from your body letting you know that something is off, and needs your attention.

    Did you know that your organs, veins, muscles, bones and many bodily systems are very hard working living parts that operate very much like a car?


    Further, did you know they also require preventative maintenance just like your car in order to ensure problem-free operation? Most people do not look at their body this way, and it is very important to do so in order to be healthy and balanced.

    Check Engine Light

    When your car has “symptoms”, the check engine light comes on. You get the car fixed and the problem is gone; the symptom, cause, and all.


    Consider your body has a very similar way of communicating its problems to you. It is speaking in the language of symptoms, but, are you willing to listen? These symptoms can vary widely from person to person, but we generally have a good idea when something is “off”. Are you paying attention to your “check body light”?

    Symptom Management Or Whole Body Repair?

    Common symptoms (pain, inflammation, constipation, bloating, rancid smelling poop or farts, GERD, nausea, headaches, etc …) are indications that your body is in need of repair. When you have physical symptoms in your body and go to the doctor for medication, those symptoms are only masked – they are not “fixed.” The medication only works to alleviate the symptoms – it does nothing to cure or eliminate the actual cause of them.


    This kind of treatment allows different symptoms to start showing up, which were unrelated to the original symptoms. More medications are prescribed, which start causing adverse side effects. These side effects cause additional symptoms in and of themselves, which lead to more and more medication until the person appears to be a pharmaceutical drug addict.

    This approach is obviously not working and will never work, and the reason is because medications are designed to isolate and treat symptoms and body parts locally.


    Remember, we are an interconnected system of parts, so when you try to separate this by treating locally, you are only covering up the cause.
    Once the local treatment is started, there is no end to this evil cycle of symptom management. When we start to understand that our bodies are a machine and our parts work like a car, then we will realize that they need regular preventative maintenance in order to enjoy optimal performance.

    Just A Little More Love

    Adding simple modifications to your way of living can make a significant difference in the overall health and well-being. Drinking more water helps to keep the organs running smoothly and can “flush” out toxins. Replacing sedentary couch time for subtle exercises, like walking around the neighborhood can leave a long-lasting, positive effect on your body.


    If you think about it, your body really is like your car. It is a vehicle to get things done and go where you need to go. There are many similarities to a car and the body of a human. If you want your body (or engine) to run smoother and last longer, consider adding more regular preventative maintenance. A little love and attention go a long way.

    The single most effective way to shift your awareness of your health is to start listening to your body. How can you have any clue of what is going on internally if you ignore the communication? Further, how can you understand the communication if you are not listening, to begin with? The longer you ignore your symptoms, the more likely you will end up needing “costly repairs” (such as surgery, hospitalization, rehabilitation) in the future.

    How To Listen To Your Body

    In order to listen, you must first tune in. When was the last time you checked in with your body? Do you tend to ignore the symptoms, signs, and warnings your body gives you? Your body is always speaking to you, but are you tuned in?

    In order to tune in, you have to become present so you can hear or feel the messages. The most effective practice for becoming present is meditation. The more you meditate, the easier it becomes to listen to your body. I recommend meditating daily for at least 20 minutes.

    What’s underneath your symptoms? Once you distinguish the message from your body, you have to get to the underlying cause of the symptom. In other words, what caused that symptom in the first place? This will take some effort.

    To get to the underlying cause of a symptom, you have to ask yourself these types of questions:

    • What modifications to your diet or lifestyle have you made recently?
    • Have you started eating, thinking, of feeling differently in the last month or so?
    • Did something major just happen in your life?
    • Are you holding on to any anger, resentment, guilt, or fear? (Be brutally honest with yourself, because you can’t fool your body).
    • If you keep asking these types of questions, you’re bound to find the source of the symptom.

    Be patient! Although symptoms may appear overnight, the root cause usually manifests over time. Therefore, it’s going to take some time to heal the cause of your symptom, so it’s imperative to be patient. The more patient you are, the faster you can eliminate the symptom – root cause and all.

    Tuning in is a key element to listening to your body. And once you listen, you will know. With some love and regular preventative maintenance, your body will provide you a lifelong vehicle of radiant health.