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6 Yoga Poses For Sciatica Pain Relief

yoga for sciatica pain relief

Sciatica can leave you with a sharp pain when you move or even cough. While a day or two of such pain is manageable, for many the problem lasts much longer. There’s only so much that pain medication like aspirin or ibuprofen can do. So what are your options? If you are looking for natural remedies that can get to the root of the problem, yoga may have some answers.

What Is Sciatica?

Sciatic nerve pain is a sharp, almost knife- or electric-like pain that runs down the back of the thigh and leg. If your spinal column has a protruding disk, it can sometimes press down on the nerve roots in your spine, causing sciatica. The bad leg cramp that results is usually worse when you move, cough, or sneeze. For some people, it can also result in a tingling or burning sensation down the length of the leg, not unlike the numbness from pins and needles. You might also experience some weakness.1


Note: Most sciatica pain eventually goes away on its own in a month or two. If your pain lingers beyond that, do get checked for underlying conditions that may need treating.

Benefits Of Yoga For Sciatic Nerve Pain

While mainstream treatment for sciatica is to just leave it to heal or to take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin or ibuprofen for the pain, you do have other non-surgical options like yoga.2 Certain yoga stretches or poses for sciatica can help with the back pain and leg pain, making it a more manageable condition. Research has found that certain yoga asanas can help ease the katishool or pain in general, including when a patient bends forward – a movement that can be excruciating for some. In addition, other symptoms associated with sciatica – like tenderness or rigidity as well trouble walking – can be eased after practicing yoga asanas and stretches.3


Yoga Poses For Sciatica Pain Relief

Here are some of the best yoga asanas for sciatica pain relief. They can also ease your discomfort and restore movement. Be sure to begin these yoga exercises under the supervision of a qualified yoga instructor. If certain poses are hurting, don’t push yourself to do them as they could worsen your condition.

[expert_opinion expertname=’annieau’ opinion=”In order to get relief from sciatica for good, you should practice the poses consistently. The muscles surrounding the sciatic nerve can tighten and compress the nerve. Practicing these poses 3-4 times a week will loosen up the muscles.”]


1. Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Bhujangasana has been used as a yoga-based treatment for “gridhrasi,” as sciatica is referred to in Ayurvedic medicine.4


How it helps:

The cobra pose helps strengthen the muscles of the back and improve spinal flexibility.5 The asana can also bring pain relief.6


How to do the asana:

2. Apanasana (Knees-To-Chest Pose)


Apanasana is among the recommended poses for soothing sciatica-related pain and numbness.7

How it helps:


A yoga pose designed to ease lower back pain, the apanasana can help warm up your lower back.8 9 The focus and gentle breathing combined with the attention on the lower back can calm the mind and body.10

How to do the asana:

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog Pose)

Improve your body mechanics and posture using this asana.11

How it helps:

An energizing pose, this asana can help stretch the body and calm the mind as it strengthens the legs. It can also relieve back pain associated with your sciatica.12

How to do the asana:

4. Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose)

This sciatica-beating asana can offer a lot of relief and help stretch the affected muscles, easing the cramp-like pain. To make it easier on yourself, you could elevate your lower leg by placing the heel off the ground on a block or book.13

How it helps
Supta padangusthasana helps relieve sciatica as well as back pain by stretching your hips, thighs, hamstrings, and groin area. It also makes your knees stronger.14

How to do the asana

5. Shalabhasana (Locust Or Grasshopper Pose)

Another effective yoga asana for sciatica is the shalabhasana.15 Using a folded blanket below the ribs and pelvis may be more comfortable for beginners.

How it helps: 

The grasshopper pose helps improve circulation to muscles in the hip region and strengthens the muscles of the lower back.16

How to do the asana:

6. Setu Bandha Asana (Bridge Pose)

The bridge pose helps you cope with sciatica. If you find it hard to do, use a bolster for support. Simply place it below the sacrum – the triangular bone at the bottom of your lower back.17 You could also use a blanket rolled up below your neck for added support.

How it helps: 

The bridge pose helps stretch the neck, spine, and chest, aside from reducing back pain and reviving your legs. The asana also helps calm the mind.18

How to do the asana:


1, 2 Sciatica. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
3 Singh, Akhilesh K., and Om P. Singh. “A preliminary clinical evaluation of external snehan and asanas in the patients of sciatica.” International Journal of Yoga 6, no. 1 (2013): 71.
4, 15 Singh, Akhilesh K., and Om P. Singh. “A preliminary clinical evaluation of external snehan and asanas in the patients of sciatica.” International journal of yoga 6, no. 1 (2013): 71.
5 Rakhshaee, Zahra. “Effect of three yoga poses (cobra, cat and fish poses) in women with primary dysmenorrhea: a randomized clinical trial.” Journal of pediatric and adolescent gynecology 24, no. 4 (2011):192-196.
6 Satyanand, Vungarala, T. Gopalakrishnaiah, Elakkiya Panneerselvam, Shaik Mahaboobvali, Shaik Ahammad Basha, and Vanka Sarala. “Effects of yogasanas on cervical spondylosis.” (2015).
7 Sciatica Soothers.Yoga Journal.
8 Shields, Diana. “Yoga as part of Wellness in the Workplace: A Case Study.” (2010).
9 Kraftsow, Gary. Yoga for wellness: healing with the timeless teachings of viniyoga. Penguin, 1999.
10, 13 Sciatica Soothers. Yoga Journal.
11 Ask Us. Yoga Journal.
12 Downward facing dog. Yoga Journal.
14 Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose. Yoga Journal.
16, 17 Coping with sciatica. Yoga Journal.
18 Bridge Pose. Yoga Journal.
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