What Yoga Asanas Are Safe During Menstrual Period?

What Yoga Asanas Are Safe During Menstrual Period?
What Yoga Asanas Are Safe During Menstrual Period?

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Curejoy Expert Janardhana Hebbar Explains:


Menstruation affects women differently and also varies with age and other factors. Some may not have any side effects but generally complaints of low energy, nausea, weakness and discomfort are common. Many others suffer extreme pain, mood swings, fatigue, bloating, irritability, cramps, etc. making them bedridden during this period.

Since exercising is the last thing that comes to mind during this time of the month because of the natural pain and discomfort, fortunately there are a number of yoga poses that can relieve the symptoms associated with menstruation. Do ensure that you talk to your yoga instructor and understand which ones work best for you based on your unique body composition and health.


Yoga Asanas that can be practised during Menstrual Period

Bow pose or Dhanurasana:


This pose is excellent to beat constipation and respiratory ailments. Moreover it helps relieve backache, fatigue, anxiety and most importantly menstrual discomfort. It also helps improve posture, thereby beating lower back pain and strengthens the back muscles. It helps ease cramps and regulate the flow of blood to and from the uterus – relieving the pain.


Fish Pose or Matsyasana:


This pose gives you natural glow and stretches out the muscles of the back, neck, chest and legs giving you instant relief from muscle aches and pains associated with menstruation. It also helps stimulate the organs of the stomach and abdomen, fighting indigestion, gas and that feeling of bloating.


Camel Pose or Ustrasana:


The camel pose is perfect to relieve menstrual discomfort. This yoga pose stretches the front of the body, ankles, thighs, groin, abdomen and chest and stimulates the abdominal organs, increasing the blood flow to the uterus helping it heal faster.


Cobbler’s Pose Or Baddha Konasana:

Baddha Konasana
Baddha Konasana

Since the lower half of the body feels heavy during menstruation, seated poses are the focus. You may stay in each pose for up to several minutes. Baddha konasana opens the pelvic region.


Yoga Poses to avoid during Menstrual Period:

Most of the yoga that involve inverted poses like Headstand (Sirsasana) and Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana) are designed to nourish the cells, energize and invigorate the body, strengthen the reproductive system, and maintain the balance of the endocrine system. But classic yoga philosophy teaches that energy is flowing downward in your body during your period, and poses that require you to go upside down impede this natural flow.
