3 Ways To Reset Your Body

We all know how important it is to feel good in our bodies, and not to be bogged down by symptoms or pain. All of us have had those days where we feel a bit off – maybe we have low energy or are fighting a cold. If we don’t feel our best, it truly changes the outcome of everything we do in our day. However, sometimes these temporary complaints persist and become chronic symptoms, making almost every day feel like an off-day.

Looking for healing in food seemed like the clear choice. It’s been estimated that we make over 200 decisions about food per day, and eat almost 2,000 pounds of food per year. Food truly has a powerful influence over our bodies, feeding us on multiple levels. By looking deeply at what I was eating, I was able to unlock the secrets of my chronic complaints and find my path to health. I also worked with thousands of clients to help show them the power that their diet has over their health. Luckily, the path to health is attainable and can begin at your next meal.


3 Tips To Get You Started

1. Eliminate One (Or More) Inflammatory Food(s) From Your Diet

Try removing one common inflammatory food from your diet, whether it’s soy, wheat, eggs, gluten, dairy, or sugar. It’s likely that your body has given you a signal to stop eating some of these foods in the past –a dull stomachache after an ice cream cone, or a drastic dip in energy after snacking on some baguette. Identify that food, and remove it from your meal plans. It may not be easy to give up your favorite comforting foods – we all crave a bit of sugar or some creamy cheese at some point! Focus your energy on making it through the first 7 to 10 days – it will take this long for your body adjusts to the changes and perceived deprivation. However, once you make it over that initial hump, you’ll likely find that your improved health and energy will make it less tempting to reintroduce the inflammatory food to your diet.

2. Add In A Rainbow Spectrum Of Whole Foods

Even though you’re eliminating some inflammatory foods from your diet, it doesn’t mean that you should feel starved or deprived all day. Replace the eliminated food with healthy, colorful whole foods to support your body with vital nutrients. Bring in the rainbow every day by incorporating the full spectrum of colorful plant-based foods into your meals. A great way to do this is through a morning rainbow smoothie – blend a tasty mixture of ruby red strawberries, fresh-squeezed orange juice, a banana, some leafy greens like spinach or kale, indigo blueberries, and a bit of water and ice together for a healthy boost.


3. Incorporate More Variety To Meals

Likely, removing some inflammatory foods means that you won’t be able to fall back on some of your go-to meals. Take this opportunity to get out of your food ruts and experiment with new foods, spices, flavor combinations, and cuisines. Replace your spaghetti and red sauce with zucchini noodles and a hearty mix of sautéed veggies on top. Play around with turmeric, rosemary, and other spices to see how the unique flavors can elevate your meals.

Try foods from a different culture than your own. This is a great opportunity to let your creativity shine in the kitchen while avoiding falling back into old ways. Throughout this process, it’s important to not put too much pressure on yourself. No one is perfect – there may be times when you stray back to the inflammatory foods, but don’t give up because of one slip. Simply put, just try your best! You’ll find that after implementing these changes, there will be improvements in your chronic pain, energy levels, sleep, and focus. Data that I have collected from clients who have implemented these steps show improvements across the field of bodily health – from gastrointestinal health to joint pain to cognition.


Your body is truly a powerful machine, and the fuel you put into it plays a huge role in how well it will function in the long-term!
