Top 8 Causes Of Premature Birth

Premature baby: Top 8 Causes Of Premature Birth

Premature baby: Top 8 Causes Of Premature Birth

Babies that are born before 37 weeks of gestation are known as premature babies. Their immune system is weak and their organs are not fully developed. Such babies are quite difficult to take care of because they are so delicate. The more premature a baby is, the higher the risks of problems after birth and lesser the chances of survival. They might need medical support to sustain life. Nowadays, neonatal intensive care units (NICU) are available and preterm babies can be cared for until their organs have fully developed. NICUs have drastically increased their survival rate. In some cases, babies might have to be delivered preterm to avoid complications during birth and in others, they might be born premature without any exact cause. However, here are some risk factors that increase the chances of such births.


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1. The Mother’s Age

Young mother: Top 8 Causes Of Premature Birth


The appropriate age to birth children is between 20 and 35 years. Getting pregnant below the age of 20 or over the age of 35 increases your chances of preterm births. Below the age of 20, your body might not be mature enough to support a growing baby, and above the age of 35, your body might have other health conditions that can complicate pregnancy.

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2. Multiple Gestation

Multiple gestation: Top 8 Causes Of Premature Birth

Your chances of preterm labor increase if you are pregnant with twins or even triplets. You womb is under extra pressure when you harbor twins or triplets. Approximately, 50% of twins are born premature compared with 10% single infants born premature.


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3. Abnormalities Of Reproductive Organs

Reproductive organ abnormality: Top 8 Causes Of Premature Birth


There can be some abnormalities in your reproductive organs that can cause you to go into preterm labor. Your amniotic sac may have more fluid. The excess fluid can stretch your uterus beyond certain point and cause early contractions. You might have a short cervix or your cervix might contract during the second trimester instead of the third, which also causes preterm labor.

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4. Infections

Reproductive organ infection: Top 8 Causes Of Premature Birth

Bacteria or virus can infect any part of a woman’s reproductive system or urinary tract, such as the vagina, uterus, kidneys, or urethra. If an infection reaches the uterus, as a response mechanism, your body might trigger your uterus to contract, causing an early labor. All bacteria and virus don’t trigger uterine contractions, but they can trigger labor if they reach the amniotic sac.


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5. Lifestyle

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When you are pregnant, your lifestyle should be clean and healthy. Your chances of having a premature baby increases if you smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs that are not prescribed by your doctor, drink too much caffeine, don’t eat well, and exercise vigorously. You should eat well, rest well, and drink plenty of water.

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6. History Of Premature Births

Previous pregnancy: Top 8 Causes Of Premature Birth

If you have had a history of early deliveries, then the possibilities of giving birth preterm again increase. The probability depends on the number of premature births you have has and how early they have occurred. The chances of you giving birth to a premature baby decreases if your previous baby was full term, even if your earlier birth was premature.

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7. Development Of The Fetus

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If your little one is not getting enough supply of blood in the womb, it can experience a delayed growth due to an insufficiency of nutrients and can be born preterm. You should regularly visit the doctor and monitor your little one’s health so see if its growth is on track.

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8. The Mother’s Medical Conditions

Pregnant woman medical condition: Top 8 Causes Of Premature Birth

Pregnancy related maternal diseases such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and obstetric cholestasis increases your risk of preterm births. Even some pre-existing medical conditions, such as lupus erythematosus, renal disease, or antiphospholipid syndrome can increase your risks.

Always be in constant touch with your doctor if you have a risk of preterm births. Take charge of your lifestyle and keep your weight in check. Practice relaxation techniques if you feel stressed about giving birth.