7 Things We Can Learn From Our Pets

hey're an important part of our lives for a reason.

Our pets are often the best part of our lives, and can impact our family dynamics immensely. Their ability to love and care for us unconditionally sets them apart, and our lives change drastically when we decide to adopt a pet. In fact, a National Pet Owner survey that was conducted in 1999 revealed that more than 50% of pet owners were willing to risk their life for their pet, and 48% of the sample considered themselves emotionally dependent on their pet. We get a wide array of emotional benefits from our pets, but they can also teach us so much about how we can live our lives if we take a closer look at how they live. Here are some great lessons that our pets can teach us:

  1. Walk Every Day Walking is beneficial to health.

    If you have a dog or two at home, you know the excitement that comes when you say “walk”. These walks serve as a great way to exercise and explore for dogs, so maybe it’s time we incorporate the same excitement to take walks ourselves. Walking helps to burn calories, lose weight, fight depression, keep your bones strong, keep your mind working well, improve heart health and lowers the risk of diabetes and some types of cancer. Moreover, it is the safest and least strenuous exercise when compared to other types of exercises.

  2. Stay Curious Being curious can help us learn about the world.

    Even if popular saying cautions you against curiosity because a cat went missing, curiosity in human beings is actually a really great thing. It helps us to explore new thoughts and ideas, and we never know when we will come across something really great. People who are naturally curious find a way to engage their mind in something productive, and in the process, learn a lot about the world around them. This productivity can make you feel more confident about yourself and raises your self-esteem and feelings of self-efficacy.

  3. Be Silly A sense of humour can keep our heart healthy.

    Dogs look really funny sometimes when they play, but a lot of us would never think of being so uninhibited. However, not being able to let loose and be silly never lets us have fun in our lives. Once we reach adulthood, we are constantly bombarded by people and events that can take a toll on us, but being silly can let us see the funny side of things. It strengthens our sense of humor, and can also help other people let go and be silly themselves. A study at the University of Maryland also found that people with a sense of humor had healthier hearts.

  4. Groom Grooming can make us more confident.

    Cats groom themselves frequently, sometimes to the point of wondering if they’re overdoing it. However, grooming is an essential part of life because it makes us feel great about ourselves. Grooming is also vital for maintaining personal hygiene and better overall health. A person who is well-dressed and well-groomed doesn’t just look great while making an impression, but internally, he also feels confident.

  5. Take Naps Naps are great refreshers.

    You can observe that your pet cannot go without a nap at least once a day, and they may have the right idea. A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that people who took midday naps regularly were nearly 40% less likely to die of heart disease than non-nappers. Napping can also help you refresh yourself and stay alert for the rest of the day as your body gets some needed rest.

  6. Make Friends Social connections keep us happy.

    Animals are social beings, much like ourselves. You may find that your dog makes friends quite quickly, and this is great because social connections can have a wonderful influence on us. A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health showed that people with more friends were 22% more likely to longer than those with fewer friends. At the end of the day, making sure that we have a few great friends we can always depend on can give us a few more years to spend with them.

  7. Live In The Moment Living in the present is good for our mental health.

    Human beings are the only species that have shown the ability to think of the past and the future, which can be great because we can relive old moments and plan for a great future. However, most of us never really live in the present which leads to conditions like anxiety and depression because we think way too much about the past or the future. Learning to live in the moment and practicing mindfulness has actually shown great benefits, and in the long term, can keep us more peaceful and calm.
