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Tag: Women’s Health

Make This Tea When You Are In Pain

To naturally treat pain, make tea with pain-relieving ingredients. You’ll need hot water plus fresh ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon. All three ingredients have amazing anti-inflammatory properties. This tea provides relief from arthritis, headaches, stomach aches, sore muscles, and menstrual cramps. In many cases, ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon are as effective as OTC pain relievers. The major benefit if the tea is that it has a lower risk of harmful side effects.

Can Teens Get Breast Cancer? Here’s What You Need To Know

Teenage breast cancer is extremely rare, affecting only 1 in 1 million adolescents. Lumps can show up from normal breast growth, so don’t freak out. About 91% are non-cancerous tissue overgrowths called fibroadenomas. Hard, immovable lumps may point to breast cancer, with secretory carcinoma being the most common kind. Even then, the chances are very low. Still worried? Mammograms aren’t recommended for teens, so self-exams are the way to go. Do it once a month.
false pregnancy: causes and symptoms

False Pregnancy: When A Woman Believes She’s Pregnant – But Isn’t

False pregnancy is a psychological phenomenon where a woman believes she is pregnant and even experiences pregnancy symptoms – but there is no baby growing within her. A range of psychological and socio-cultural influences may be to blame for pseudocyesis. A false pregnancy is treated by proving to the sufferer, through abdominal imaging, that she is not really pregnant and following this up with psychotherapy and counseling. In rare cases, men whose partners are pregnant also experience pregnancy symptoms – termed sympathetic pregnancy or couvade.

What To Expect From Mastectomy Products

Cancer? It only happens to others. A friend’s mother. A colleague from work. A neighbor. But in reality, these things lurk much closer than...

Does A C-Section Affect Breastfeeding? 5 Facts You Should Know

The impact of c-sections on breastfeeding is a highly debated topic. As pregnancy experts are on a rise, there are more half-truths doing the...
Health conditions that can cause weight gain

8 Health Conditions That Can Cause Weight Gain

Weight gain is justified if you are binging on unhealthy food and not exercising. However, some health conditions also lead to weight gain. Menopause, PCOS, depression, hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, prolactinoma, and IBS are some of the medical conditions that can result in weight gain due to the changes in the body. GEtting it diagnosed at the right time, eating healthy, and exercising can help you prevent weight gain due to these problems.

5 Types Of Emotional Abuse That Men Often Subject Women To

Abuses in a relationship don’t always have to be outrageously physical or verbal. Sometimes, abuses can be veiled and indirect. Unfortunately, the reaction to...

Men Give Away Their Feelings Through Their Voices

Love is generally expressed through the beautiful use of words. But people often express their love through how they say those words over the...

7 Rules To Stay Fit During Pregnancy

If your goal is to stay fit and healthy during pregnancy, follow these simple tips and exercise advice. Here’s what you need to do...

Study Proves Tdap Vaccine In Pregnancy Prevents Whooping Cough in Babies

Every expectant mom takes utmost care to ensure the safety of their baby. Apart from eating well, there are a few other things you...

4 Sensations Your Baby Can Feel While In The Womb

When a baby is born, he/she is not completely unaware of the world outside. Your little one gets used to sensations from the womb...

How To Help A Friend Help Through Pregnancy Loss

October is the month of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness. Experiencing the loss of a baby is the worst thing which can happen to...

5 Important Things Women Forget To Do After Having A Baby

Talk about postpartum, every woman keeps saying things about their newborn. Her world has changed with the arrival of her little love. Her life...

Mom Who Breastfed Her Daughter For 5 Years

Many women feel breastfeeding as a powerful tool but for the critics – they claim extended breastfeeding is selfish. Breastfeeding is enjoyable at a...

5 Essential Vitamins And Minerals For Women

Even the most carefully planned diets can miss out on essential vitamins and minerals. For women, a few of these are extremely important. Calcium is needed for bone density. During pregnancy, B vitamins and vitamin A are vital for fetul growth. They also alleviate PMS symptoms. Heavy periods and pregnancy can cause low levels of iron. Deficiency in iron during pregnancy causes fetal abnormalities. Lastly, vitamin C is important to maintain gums, tooth, and bone.