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7 Foods You Should Be Eating After You Turn Forty

Forty is the age when we begin our slow progress into aging and when we require good food. Fresh vegetables are a great source of nutrients and minerals. Berries are rich in antioxidants and citrus fruits help build immunity in later life. Fish provide nutrition in the form of protein and omega 3 fats. Vegetables of the cabbage family can repair most oxidative damage in the body. Water ties it all together and helps systems function smoothly.
Weird Things People Are Allergic To

8 Weird Things People Can Be Allergic To

Even the healthiest person in the world is probably not immune to an allergy. Allergies occur when your body mistakenly identifies a certain substance...
Maintain gym etiquette aspects in the gym always

6 Common Gym Etiquette Aspects You Should Be Following

Whether you’re in the gym for pilates or supersets, there’s no written rule that you need to follow to get in shape. However, this doesn’t mean that you go on disregarding how you really should behave when you work out. From the cardio area to the weight room, you need to realize that you’re part of a wider community and it only makes sense that you follow a few sensible rules to ensure the most productive training environment for all.

7 Things To Know About Aloe Water

Aloe water is made by extracting the gel from Aloe plants and juicing them up. They can further be diluted with water and taste can be improved with a sweetener. Aloe water and aloe juice has several benefits, ranging from slowing down ageing and treating mouth ulcers to protecting the body from oxidative stress. Moreover, aloe water can also be used to control blood sugar, treat asthma and even prevent a candida infection.
7 Signs That Tell You Have Healthy, Shiny Hair

7 Signs That Indicate You Have Healthy Hair

Healthy hair has a natural shine to it and will not appear dull. You will not experience unusual hair fall or breakage and can run your fingers through it easily because of its smooth texture. In humid conditions, healthy hair remains in its original form and does not turn frizzy. Healthy hair has a healthy scalp with no dandruff.
Everything You Need To Know About Atrial Flutter

All You Need To Know About Atrial Flutter

Atrial flutter occurs when the heart beats faster than usual. Palpitations, fast pulse rate, breathlessness, chest pain, and dizziness are common symptoms. Valsalva maneuver, deep breathing, cold water baths, vigorous exercises, and eating heart-healthy foods can treat heart palpitations. Keep your heart healthy by avoiding caffeinated foods/drinks, alcohol, and too much sugar.

6 Habits That Can Keep You Fit During The Summer

Keep your body fit during the summer with an early morning run. Drink enough water to keep you hydrated to beat the heat. Engage yourself in team activities like Zumba classes to keep yourself motivated. Find a new interest to keep your mind occupied. Discover your favorite adventure sport and get enough sleep for a healthier you.

8 Excellent Habits Your Skin Will Be Grateful For

To keep your skin healthy make sure to drink plenty of water. Watch your diet and try not to eat too many oily foods. It's also important to exercise. Remember to wipe your phone screens and wash your makeup brushes regularly. Don't exfoliate too often as it may cause inflammation. Try to take showers in lukewarm water rather than hot water to prevent moisture escaping from your skin.

5 Dangers Of Plastic And A Few Healthier Alternatives

Plastic has become omnipresent in our lives. From chocolate wrappers to aircraft, plastic is dominating all the materialistic realms in our lives. It was invented to...

10 Ways To Downsize Your Portions Without Feeling Hungry

Drinking some coffee or water before a meal can help fill up your stomach while serving yourself properly out of the bag, preferably on tiny plates is a good way to keep track on your portion size. Avoiding distractions, wearing fitting clothes, scheduling your meals, and eating slowly are other ways you can fill up faster on fewer calories.

8 Easy Homemade Herbicides To Kill Weeds And Deter Pests

Using chemical-based herbicides to destroy weeds and other pests can cause harm to humans and contaminate our water sources. It will also pollute the soil and can be environmentally damaging. To prevent long term ecological damage, simple herbicides can be prepared at home using salt, vinegar, liquid detergent and other products, which are equally effective in eradicating weeds from your garden.

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Surviving On No Sleep

Sleepless nights can happen to anyone. To survive the day, drink lots of water to prevent dehydration and fatigue. Napping and sunlight exposure will also normalize your internal body clock. A small dose of caffeine can increase alertness, but don’t drink too much. Overdosing will cause high blood pressure and headaches. It’s also a good idea to avoid heavy meals, which will just make you feel drowsy. Never drive or operate machinery when you’re sleep deprived.

5 Gargling Home Remedies For A Sore Throat

A sore throat is common among all age groups and is the result of a bacterial or viral infection or an allergy. While it doesn't stay for too long, it can be quite bothersome while eating and drinking. Get rid of your sore throat by gargling with home remedies like salt water, apple cider vinegar, and licorice root. Gargling with a baking soda and salt water mixture or ginger, lemon, and honey in water works quite well too.
ice cold water suppresses the appetite

The Truth Behind Ice Water And Weight Loss

Drinking ice water especially on a hot, sunny day is very refreshing. A lot of researchers have noted that people who had a practice of pre-meal water consumption have reduced appetites. The water should be cold and should be taken when hunger pangs hit. When the appetite is suppressed you are less likely to eat more. Moreover, the body uses more calories to raise the temperature of cold water while utilizing it. However, the habit of cold water consumption has its downside too.

The Multitudinous Health Benefits Of Ginger

Ginger is a popular condiment used in many Asian cuisines. This wondrous rhizome is known for adding vibrant flavor to the Asian cuisines. But...