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5 Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Manage Autoimmune Diseases

To manage an autoimmune disease, eat a diet that combats inflammation. Avocado contains anti-inflammatory fatty acids plus antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E. For a dose of lean protein, eat fatty fish that contain inflammation-fighting fats. An egg has a similar effect but ensure you eat the yolk as well. Even the antioxidants in green tea will handle flare-ups. Snack on nuts for anti-inflammatory nutrients like magnesium, fiber, and unsaturated fatty acids.

Switch Off Cravings In Your Brain By Eating These Foods

Nuts are the best food to beat a craving. Walnuts, specifically, are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids which may improve blood lipids and other cardiovascular risks owing to the antioxidant capacity and make you feel quite satiated. Slow-releasing carbohydrate-rich foods such as brown rice, quinoa, oats, whole grains, legumes, fresh fruit and vegetables, and beverages like plain tea or coffee and herbal teas are good alternatives for people with nut and gluten allergies.
Belly bloating is common for people who are not careful about their diet

9 Effective Ways To Banish Belly Bloat

Ginger, papaya, and mint are simple natural remedies for bloating that are also tasty. If you have bad constipation, take castor oil with ginger tea. Cut back on carbonated beverages to avoid filling your stomach with air. Be mindful of high-fiber foods, especially beans and lentils. Increase your intake slowly! Ditch chewing gum, and avoid dairy if you're lactose intolerant. Take your time with eating and don't talk with your mouth full.

Everything You Need To Know About Matcha Green Tea

Matcha is the same plant as black tea, and green tea but simply processed differently. It has some amazing health benefits It helps boost your metabolism, reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and brain disorders. It helps slow down the aging process too. Always try to choose organic brands. When making a cup, start with a basic ratio and play around to find the taste and texture you want.
Drinking wine can actually help you lose weight

Does Drinking Wine Help You Lose Weight?

Wine has ellagic acid, a natural chemical, that slows down fat cell growth. A low-to-moderate intake, or less than 3 glasses of wine a day, is linked to a lower risk of obesity. However, alcohol is still empty calories, so be mindful of the rest of your diet. Some brands might have added sugar for taste. If you want to drink wine, consider skipping dessert. Water, fruit smoothies, and green tea are other healthier choices for weight loss.
Breast cancer can come back at anytime

5 Ways To Stop Breast Cancer From Coming Back

Breast cancer recurrence is never zero, but specific habits can improve your chances. Exercise does wonders, so stay active, unlike most survivors. Focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and avoid high-calorie, high-fat diets. Enjoy green tea for healthy antioxidants. If you drink, limit or avoid booze. Just 3 to 4 drinks a week ups the risk by 1.3 times. Smoking makes you 6.7 times likely to get breast cancer again, so avoid cigarettes at all costs.
Simple Swaps To Kick Your Caffeine Habit

 5 Healthy Alternatives To Caffeine

Caffeine is addictive and causes palpitations, headaches, insomnia, and stomach aches. Hence it's important to find healthier alternatives to it. Switch your morning cuppa with herbal teas. They are calming and fight insomnia. Drink smoothies on your breaks instead of coffee. They are filled with nutrients and fiber and prevent bloating. Switch chocolaty desserts with carob and nuts which are heart healthy and nutritious. Lastly, opt for coconut water over commercial drinks for an energy boost.

Make This Tea When You Are In Pain

To naturally treat pain, make tea with pain-relieving ingredients. You’ll need hot water plus fresh ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon. All three ingredients have amazing anti-inflammatory properties. This tea provides relief from arthritis, headaches, stomach aches, sore muscles, and menstrual cramps. In many cases, ginger, turmeric, and cinnamon are as effective as OTC pain relievers. The major benefit if the tea is that it has a lower risk of harmful side effects.

7 Benefits Of Ginger Tea That You Must Tap Into

Ginger tea is more than just a warm drink. It can treat digestive issues like diarrhea, nausea, appetite loss. It can treat cough and cold by clearing your lungs. The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger tea can reduce inflammation and may treat arthritis. It may also lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Its antioxidant properties may help prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Health Risks Of Ingredients Found In Food Supplements

Over the years, more people are depending on supplements to compensate their unhealthy diets. But, this growing dependency is an alarming trend as many experts have linked serious health conditions to the ingredients that are used in these supplements. Some of the ingredients can cause cardiac problems and even result in death. Consumers must become aware of the ingredients used in supplements and avoid what’s potentially dangerous.

6 Ingenious Ways Of Treating Swollen Eyelids

Swollen eyelids can be a difficult problem to deal with sometimes. It can change the complete dimension of your face when you wake up...
Expensive Foods That Are Worth The Price Tag

5 Expensive Health Foods That Are Totally Worth The Money

Not everyone has the means to go all-organic all the time. When you don’t have a bottomless bank balance, prioritizing your expenses becomes very...

Amazing Medicinal Uses And Benefits Of Plantain Herb

Plantain is a small plant that is generally considered as an invasive weed. It grows wildly in many parts of North America and is commonly found in the backyards of most people’s houses. There are mainly two varieties of this herb, both of which contain many medicinal properties. It has been used for centuries to treat cuts, burns, and has been scientifically proven as an effective treatment for numerous diseases.

Cooking With Tea: An Art Of Pairing Tea And Food

Reap the benefits of tea by adding them to your dishes. Make your breakfast oatmeal more flavorsome adding tea leaves to the water or milk you use. Add ground tea leaves to the marinade you use for meat or vegetables. Enhance the flavor of your baked goodies like cookies, desserts, and smoothies with tea leaves.

6 Habits To Avoid For A Good Night’s Rest

Using blue-light-emitting electronic devices before bedtime can stop melatonin production and give you trouble falling asleep. Drinking coffee or tea before bed can also cause disturbed sleep since caffeine is a natural stimulant while drinking water or alcohol can not just make you wake up at odd hours for bathroom breaks but can also affect your REM sleep. A warm sleeping environment can also disrupt your sleep quality.