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4 Different Swimming Strokes And Their Benefits

For a high-calorie burn that also tones your core and upper body, try the butterfly stroke. If you’re looking for a full body workout, the crawl or freestyle may be a good place to start. The breaststroke is another popular swimming stroke that is more accessible than the butterfly stroke, easier on the shoulders, back, and neck, making it a comfortable option for many. The backstroke is the ideal way to improve your posture so your spine is lengthened well. And if you’d like to get the best of them all, include a mix of all the different swimming strokes in your weekly routine!
Swimming is a good exercise during pregnancy but avoid it if you have pregnancy complications.

Swimming During Pregnancy: Different Strokes For Different Moms

Swimming is a great way to relax and stay fit when you’re pregnant. It can also reduce pregnancy symptoms like back pain or water retention. Just ensure the water is clean so you don’t catch recreational water illnesses or expose yourself to problematic pool disinfectant byproducts. A little care can help you make the most of this low-impact aerobic workout.

Does Your Diet Increase The Risk Of Stroke? Find Out

You experience a stroke when the blood supply to an area of the brain is disrupted. When this happens, the brain cells in that...

10 Common Stroke Symptoms Everyone Needs To Be Aware Of

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke. Every 4 minutes, a stroke-related death occurs.Stroke Facts. Centers for Disease Control and...

Aneurysm Vs Stroke: Know How To Tell The Difference

Did you know that you don't have to be "old" to have a heart disease? Your lifestyle plays a major role in how your...

Why Potassium Is The Secret To A Healthy Heart

Are you suffering from heart issues? If yes, you might want to include more potassium in your diet. With the rising number of cardiovascular...

7 Most Common Chronic Diseases That Kill Men

Gender has a significant impact on your disease risk. In men, heart disease is the most common cause of death. Next comes lung, prostate, and colon cancers, the top three that affect males. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has a strong link with smoking, which men are more likely to do. This also increases the risk for stroke. More men than women are pre-diabetic, increasing the risk for developing type 2 diabetes. Alzheimer’s and kidney disease are also common disease-related deaths.

Causes Of Excess Body Heat And Methods To Regulate It

Excess body heat is detrimental to your health as it prevents your organs from performing optimally. Excess body heat can also lead to brain damage and result in heart-related diseases. Internal factors, such as diseases and foods can raise body heat, while external factors like constant exposure to sun may also result in excess body heat. Keeping the body hydrated and staying in cool areas help reduce body heat.

9 Health Conditions That Can Change Your Personality

It is common for everyone to experience mood changes when they are suffering from an ailment. Even a common cold or flu can make us irritable, less focused, and sad. But, there are many other health conditions, especially mental health disorders, that can have a huge negative impact on our mood resulting in a complete change in our personalities. Understanding these disorders can help you deal with them better.
If you suffer from any condition such as diabetes, hepatitis, or autoimmune disorders, they will show up on your eyes first)

5 Reasons Why Your Eyes May Be Acting Weird

Your eyes are one of the most important parts of your body. They help you see the beauty in this world and also help...

7 Reasons Why Coffee Is Good For You

Coffee is a staple in most people's diets. And, when had in moderation, it has several health benefits. Regular coffee consumption improves short-term and long-term memory. It also reduces the risk of clinical type 2 diabetes. Caffeine in coffee suppresses leptin, promotes thermogenesis, and induces fat oxidation to aid weight loss. It also reduces depressive symptoms, cognitive failures, and the risk of suicide. Lastly, caffeine reduces the risk of gallstones, heart disease, stroke, and death.
Facts about silent stroke.

Everything You Need To Know About Silent Strokes

Silent strokes usually go unnoticed as they don't cause the typical symptoms that a stroke would cause. Age, gender, ethnicity, family history, medical history, and an unhealthy lifestyle can cause a silent stroke. To prevent strokes from occurring, keep your weight in check, quit smoking and drinking, control your blood pressure, eat less salt, and don't forget to get regular checkups done.
Foods that can be great for hypertension, stroke, and cholesterol

9 Great Foods For Hypertension, Stroke, And Cholesterol

Overeating, not engaging in any physical activity, and if you are working under stressful conditions, will give you lifestyle-based complications like a heart attack, hypertension, stroke, and cholesterol. Extra virgin olive oil; greens like spinach and kale and cruciferous vegetables; figs and other fruits. Lentils and other legumes are good. Seafood such as salmon are ideal; nuts and seeds like walnuts, almonds, flaxseeds; garlic and onions; oatmeal and whole grains, and finally eggs can reverse heart disease, heal the arteries and prevent a heart attack.

6 Magnesium-Rich Foods That Can Reduce Your Risk Of Stroke

Maintaining your cholesterol and blood pressure is important for your heart health. Foods that are rich in magnesium and other nutrients like fiber, potassium, and omega-3 fatty acids can help you reduce the risk of a stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. These foods include fatty fish, nuts, yogurt, beans, leafy greens and also whole grains. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can also protect you from heart diseases.

How To Tell If It’s A Heart Attack, Stroke, Or Cardiac Arrest

Heart disease can show up in several different ways. A heart attack occurs when blood flow to the heart is blocked. Symptoms include chest pain, tightness, and short breath. If blood flow to the brain is blocked, a stroke is at play. This causes numbness, confusion, and sudden weakness – especially on one side. Lastly, a cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops beating. Warning signs include nausea and dizziness.