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Tag: Sleep Disorder

Herbal Tinctures For Insomnia, Pain, And Anxiety

Tinctures are easy to make and effective home remedies for many health problems, including anxiety, stress, pain, and insomnia. Motherwort tincture can induce calmness and reduce anxiety. Arnica tincture can reduce pain and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. A herbal mixture made using dried yarrow flowers, dried catnip, chamomile flowers, dried mint leaves, and dried hops flowers can treat insomnia and help you sleep at night.
Benefits of Spikenard Essential Oil

8 Reasons Why You Need Some Spikenard Essential Oil

Among the long line of famous essential oils you’re likely to have come across, spikenard probably went unnoticed. Spikenard essential oil might not be...

4 Side Effects Of Using Prescription Medication In Women

Women are susceptible to a higher risk of prescription drug overdose. Mood altering drugs are prescribed at an earlier age and more frequently in women than men. This is partly because women are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety than are men, as also they may be more likely to seek help for psychological and emotional problems. Mental illness, chronic pain, diet issues and pregnancy-related medications can become an unnecessary habit.

Is There A Connection Between Insomnia And DNA?

Sleeplessness or insomnia is increasingly becoming a common ailment. Sleep deprivation has also become a cause for many lifestyle disorders that are growing in number with each passing day. Insomnia is always said to be something related to the mind, but surprisingly recent research has shown that insomnia is not only in the mind but is more in the genes and this finding might go a long way in helping many insomniacs with the right mode and method of treatment.
Your body will show you some signs to take a break

5 Clear Signs That You Need To Take A Break

Your body will let you know when it needs a break. There are ways to identify burnout and stress well before they turn into serious concerns. If you find yourself binge eating for no apparent reason, stress is the cause. Lack of sleep and insomnia, as well as lower libido, are both indicators that you need a break. A condition of hair loss called telegenic effluvium happens when you are highly stressed. While the condition itself doesn't need treatment, the underlying burnout does.

5 Realizations You Will Have In The First 24 Hours Of Having Your Baby

Meeting your baby after nine months of waiting is an exciting event. You will be overwhelmed with a lot of emotions. In the midst...
causes of narcolepsy

10 Causes Of Narcolepsy (Excessive Daytime Sleepiness)

Narcolepsy is a neurological condition where your brain can’t properly regulate sleep and waking patterns. It may be caused by low levels of hypocretin, an autoimmune response, or brain injury due to trauma, brain tumor, or diseases like multiple sclerosis. Hormonal changes, certain infections, environmental toxins, psychological stress, and an abrupt change in sleep patterns may also trigger this condition. Narcolepsy is also linked to genetic factors and family history.
Midnight snacking can be due to sleep deprivation and disorders

Put A Stop To Sugar Cravings By Sleeping Better

Stayed up too late last night and need a sweetened drink or some sugary treats to get you through the day? Your sleeplessness could be the problem. When you're sleep-deprived, you tend to drag yourself around, skip physical activities, and rely on sugary pick-me-ups. Such habits don't fight sleeplessness and only contribute to you gaining more weight. Optimizing your sleep can help you cut down on your sugar cravings for good and help you stay in shape!

6 Health Hazards Of Being Lonely

It isn't about being around people. Sometimes you can feel lonely even when you are surrounded by people. Loneliness is a disconnect you feel, within yourself from others around you. Being lonely is not healthy as it leads to depression and a lot of health issues. It becomes very difficult to handle both physically and mentally and needs to be tended to at the earliest. Loneliness can quickly turn into stress and affect everything from heart health to mental well-being.

11 Signs You’re Totally Stressed Out

Urban lifestyle comes with its own set of stressors. And after constant exposure to them day in and day out, our minds and bodies...
cannot escape the influence of toxins

8 Warning Signs That Indicate Your Body Needs A Detox Immediately

The unfortunate truth about living in the city today is that you just cannot escape the number of toxins. The food you eat and...
Health Problems That Bananas Can Fix

5 Problems That Bananas Can Treat Better Than Drugs

Bananas can do more than give you energy. They’re high in potassium, a mineral that reduces high blood pressure. Eating more bananas and less salt may limit the need for antihypertensive medication. If you’re struggling with depression, enjoy bananas along with fruits and veggies. They can also manage insomnia, a common sleep disorder. Feeling constipated? Instead of laxatives or stool softeners, boost your fiber intake with bananas.

4 Medications That Could Be Giving You Nightmares

Any drug that acts on the central nervous system has the potential to cure nightmares in some people. While parameters for nightmares are vague at best, it is impossible to identify which nightmare is a side effect of medicines and which one isn’t. Dopamine agonists, sedatives, beta blockers used to treat hypertension and amphetamine medicines are most commonly associated with sleep attacks and nightmares in people.
Sleep Apnea: Diet And Exercises May Improve Its Symptoms

Sleep Apnea: Diet And Exercise May Improve Its Symptoms

Ease your sleep apnea symptoms by having fiber-rich fruits and veggies like apples and celery. Avoid bananas, avocados that may produce histamine imbalance. Replace whole milk and heavy cream with skim milk and low-fat dairy products. Use whole-grain bread for sandwiches and avoid processed foods and red meat. Some herbs and exercises may help improve your breathing as well.

What Are The Physical Symptoms Of Anxiety?

Thanks to the pace of life and the multiple stressors we face on any given day, anxiety has become alarmingly common. Anxiety does not induce the same symptoms in all, which makes it a difficult condition to diagnose. Some of the most common physical symptoms, however, include an increased heart rate and breathing rate, dizziness, inability to get a good night's sleep, excessive sweating, a tingling sensation in the hands and feet, and seizures.