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Start The Buddy System In Your Home To Bring Your Family Closer

Children require a lot of work and attention constantly, especially if you have two or more in number. It can be very difficult for...

6 Surprising Things Related To Your Newborn That You Didn’t Know About

After birth, your newborn becomes the center of your attraction—the chubby cheeks, sweet baby smell, tiny eyes, and lips—a freshly arrived baby into the...
ways to get your toddler to sleep

Simple Tips To Get Your Toddler To Sleep: Make Bedtime Easy!

To ease night-time battles with your toddler set a relaxing night time routine with a strict bedtime. Let the baby make choices such as which pajamas to wear and allow a favorite toy or blanket in bed. Avoid scary stories and movies and imagine happier endings for nightmares to dilute frightening dreams. Also, make sure they nap in the day but limit sleeping after mid-afternoon.

5 Safe Ways To Make Cooking Fun For Kids

People have to deal with a lot when they are parents. Other than taking care of your life, you have to take care of...

Mom Spent A Month In Labor, Claims It Left Her Baby With A Flat...

Bartender mom JJ Rushton spent over a month in labor says that it crushed her baby's skull and left his head looking like a...

5 Ways To Overcome Boredom In A Relationship

Fairy-tales always end at the point when two people who love each other decide to be with each other. But what happens after that?...

6 Signs That Indicate You Need To See A Therapist ASAP

Therapy is awesome and can help people deal with their problems, express whatever it is they are feeling, identify complex emotions, and resolve emotional...

Are Diabetics At An Increased Risk For Heart Disease?

Diabetics are at a much higher risk for heart diseases and strokes or heart attacks than those who are not diabetic. They have weaker blood vessels, which exerts pressure on the heart. Managing certain factors such as blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, stress, and weight can help reduce this risk. You must also look into your family's medical history to see if you are more at risk of developing heart diseases as well.

6 Most Helpful Tips To Keep Your Baby’s Skin Healthy

Every one of us envies the smoothness of a baby’s skin. It is so soft and delicate. However, if you fail to take proper...

Benefits Of Baby Sign Language And How To Teach It To Your Toddler

Your baby often expresses discomfort or displeasure through the only thing they are really good at—crying. Sometimes, deciphering their mood and why they are...

4 Reasons That Explain Why Your Baby Should Not Sleep On Their Sides

While there are good and bad sleeping positions for mothers during pregnancy, even infants younger than a year old must be made to sleep...
Ensuring That You Have A Ready-to-go Emergency Supply Kit Is Vital

Essential Emergency-Kit Supplies You Need In The Event Of A Natural Disaster

We may never know with complete certainty when disaster will strike. Even with all of our modern technological advancements and super-fast communication mediums, natural...

New Research Explains Why Screen Time Sabotages Children’s Sleep

As the digital age evolves, every parent is concerned about the excessive use of digital media in kids. Now, every kid is exposed to...

5 Defense Mechanisms That Are Harming Your Relationships

Sigmund Freud believed and theorized that defense mechanisms that humans have and use are important in order to keep us guarded from facing our...

Can Egg Count Predict A Woman’s Chances Of Motherhood?

An ovarian reserve test involves a blood and/or a urine analysis test to determine the levels of the hormones inhibin B, AMH, and FSH. However, a study proved that the levels of AMH, FSH, and inhibin B had no effect on both the women who got pregnant and on those who couldn’t. It can thus be concluded that fertility is complicated and goes far beyond assessing a woman's egg count.