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how to make your gums healthy

Tips On How To Make Your Gums Healthy

Want to make your gums healthy? Gum disease affects almost 1 in 2 Americans over the age of 30. Thankfully, preventing gum disease and making your gums and teeth stronger are just a matter of a little discipline and some safe, simple home remedies! So practice some simple oral hygiene tips and get cardamom, pomegranate juice, basil seeds, cloves, and even green tea to work on your gums for you!
coconut oil for receding gums

3 Ways Coconut Oil Benefits Your Teeth And Gums

Lauric acid in coconut oil has antimicrobial properties and can fight harmful mouth bacteria that cause bad breath, tooth decay, and other gum diseases. Adding coconut oil to your oral hygiene routine can reduce plaque and strengthen teeth. You can use the oil in the ancient oil pulling technique or even make a coconut oil toothpaste.

How To Get Rid Of Plaque With This Natural Baking Soda Paste

You may have noticed plaque, which is a soft, colorless film that forms on your teeth. You may not have given much attention to...

7 Common Dental Diseases In Cats

Good oral health is the key to good overall health in both humans and animals. Because animals make use of their teeth so often,...
The final stage of a tooth cavity is painful

4 Stages Of A Tooth Cavity

The first stage of a cavity begins when you eat. The bacteria in your mouth turns food into acids, which turn into a sticky substance called plaque. Next, the acids damage your tooth’s enamel. You can stop it if you regularly brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. If not, erosion continues to the dentin tissue and creates a hole in your tooth. By the time it reaches the nerves, you’ll have extreme pain and need a root canal.
Therapeutic Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil For Diseased Gums

5 Therapeutic Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil For Diseased Gums

Gum diseases are caused due to plaque and tartar which are a result of bacterial build-up in the oral cavity. Tea tree oil is used as an effective alternative treatment because of its antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It prevents plaque formation, treats gingivitis and periodontitis, prevents bad breath, relieves toothache, and promotes good dental health.

Benefits Of Miswak For Teeth And Gums

How can you get rid of your "plastic smile" and smile confidently when you meet people? Here's an unusual answer for that question. You can do that by...
How To Treat Plaque Psoriasis

How To Treat Plaque Psoriasis

Plaque psoriasis afflicts millions and doesn’t discriminate by gender. Treatment options range from steroidal and non-steroidal prescription topical treatments to OTC topical remedies and phototherapy. All natural remedies like aloe vera, Epsom salts, dead sea salts, jojoba, and apple cider vinegar may also help. So can avoiding triggers like smoking and alcohol.

10 Facts About Your Teeth That Will Amaze You

For most of us, someone’s smile is the first thing we notice about them. This is perhaps why we go to such lengths to...

Pine Bark Extract To Treat Atherosclerotic Plaques

Atherosclerotic plaques or the fatty deposits that partially blocks the arterial walls, if ruptured, might result in a fatal heart attack or stroke. Research claims that the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms of pine bark extract (found in natural products - honey and aloe vera) can help prevent oxidative damage to the arteries from LDL (bad) cholesterol.

The A-Z Guide To Dental Care, Cure, And Caution

Besides flossing and brushing regularly, eat foods rich in Calcium, Magnesium, Vit B and C, and Co Q10 to prevent bone loss, and build strong connective tissue and healthy gums. Natural antiseptic herbs like calendula and chamomile can cure swelling of the gums and mouth ulcers. Massage the jaw over the teeth area to improve circulation and use round-bristled brushes.

Avoid Painful Root Canal By Choosing A Holistic Biological Dentist

Dentists advocate fluoride and mercury fillings - toxins that get deposited in your vital organs. Root canal is ineffective as complete sterilization of the canal is practically impossible. A biological dentist will test for your biocompatibility with materials they use. Try Laser dentistry, microscopic plaque scanning, ozone therapy, and digital X-rays for the least invasive and holistic treatment.