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Ways To Cope With Back Pain In The Office

Back pain can be a huge hindrance to productivity at work. But, a few tips can help alleviate it. Ensure that you maintain good posture while you sit. Stretch often to release tension in your back muscles. Avoid smoking since it aggravates pain. Avoid sitting for too long. Ensure that your chair has lumbar support and have heating pads handy. Try breathing techniques to relieve stress-induced back pain.

8 Health Benefits Of Volunteering For You

Volunteering doesn't just help you feel good about doing good but can also impact your health. Researchers are discovering that volunteering can lower risk of depression, hypertension, and even mortality. Not surprisingly it can help give you a sense of purpose and boost your self-esteem. If you’re a senior, these results are amplified. By some accounts, even your cholesterol levels and BMI could improve!

Where Are The Germs Hiding In Your Home?

We all try our best to keep our surroundings as clean as possible. But hidden from our eyes, infectious germs might be growing by the thousands to slowly spread infections. Superficial dusting and cleaning might not be enough to keep the germs away. Frequent disinfection, washing, and cleaning of all the rooms, linen, carpets, and doormats are necessary to stop the germs from spreading.
How To Stay Healthy Despite Your Office Being Full Of Germs

How To Stay Healthy In Your Germ-Infested Office

Don’t let those pristine white workstations fool you. Offices today are one of the dirtiest places you will ever find yourself in. Few people...

5 Things To Avoid Doing While Drinking

Drinking has become a social norm now. It has quite simply become an inevitable part of our social gatherings. A glass or two of drinks...

9 Ways You Can Include Yoga In Your Busy Life

Yoga is a great way to stay healthy, however, your busy schedule may prevent you from doing any yoga. But you can now practice yoga by making it a part of your life and you don't even have to visit any yoga studio. You can do yoga throughout the day, it can be done while you are bathing, while you are eating and even when you are at your office desk.

5 Ways To Avoid A Laptop Hunch

There is no doubt that technology has made our lives easy, but it has also brought its share of problems. As we spend an...
healthy office snacks

7 Delicious And Healthy Office Snacks You’ll Love

Keep a stash of granola bars or a jar of roasted chickpeas at your desk. Bring nutritious veggies like carrots and celery sticks with a spicy hummus or a herby yogurt dip. These proteins will keep you full longer. If you don't have time to prep, apples and bananas are cheap and convenient. For a healthy dose of probiotics, bring yogurt with fresh fruit.

Blueprint For A Healthy Home

There is truly an art and science to "tidying up." Since your home is your sanctuary, it is more critical than ever to make...

5 Better Nutrition Pit Stops For The Office

To satiate your office hunger, if only there were nutrient options? Learn more about some of the healthy foods that you can store and eat while in office.

22 Time Management Tips To Keep Stress Away

Follow these simple life hacks to make your time count. Don't confuse activity with productivity. Organize your work and work space, as lesser the clutter, better is your focus. Get your priorities right, it helps complete things on time. Drink water and eat food on time to keep you going. Learn to say no, as over commitment is a recipe for overwork and stress. Stay calm and be more productive.

Can You Die From An Asthma Attack?

Yes, you can. Near-fatal and fatal asthma are the most severe forms of the disease. Deaths are mostly caused due to delayed and insufficient treatment. Identify the triggers of your asthma (pollen, food allergies, dust, molds, etc) and keep them at bay. Record when and how each attack occurs, practise good hygiene, regularly take flu shots, and keep an inhaler within reach at all times.
Sitting at work

How To Prevent Health Risks Of A Desk Job?

Walk around your office or take a stroll outside every 1 hr. Walking helps burn calories, boosts your creativity and improves mood. Use standing and walking desks. Soothe stiff muscles with regular desk yoga and stretching exercises. Organize your office to encourage activity, creativity and allow movement.

Small Changes To Make Your Office Hours Less Stressful

Stop multitasking and attend to problems one by one. Get organized, make sure everything is accessible easily on your desk and everywhere else. Avoid texting or communicating with people outside of your work space, unless really necessary. Indulge in sports on a regular basis and follow a healthy diet. Take breaks and short walks in between work.
What Is the Best & Healthy Way Of Sitting In Office?

What Is the Best & Healthy Way Of Sitting In Office?

Most of the back problems among the current generation office goers are reportedly caused by the way they sit and work in their respective...