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Tag: Menstruation

How To Make Waxing Less Painful

Waxing is, arguably, one of the most painful hair removal procedures out there. Certain hacks can make this experience less painful. Avoid waxing during menstruation since you're very sensitive to pain then. Opt for sugaring over conventional waxing. Exfoliate and moisturize a day before waxing. Listen to music or try pain-relieving pills and creams to lower the intensity of pain. Wax regularly to build a tolerance to pain. Avoid caffeine since it lowers pain threshold.
Cancer Symptoms Women Often Ignore

11 Cancer Symptoms Women Often Ignore

With the increased awareness of breast cancer, examining your breasts on a daily basis must have become a habit. However, there are several other...

7 Reasons Your Period Might Be Irregular

Early, delayed, or absent. Does your period take you by surprise every month? With this comes the fear of pregnancy, if you are sexually...

8 Vaginal Questions That You Are Too Embarrassed To Ask

Most of us have a list of questions that we are too embarrassed to ask our ob-gyn. Some of us even believe it's probably...

7 Ways To Reduce Bloating When You Are On Your Period

Period bloating can be extremely uncomfortable. However, you are not alone as about 70% of women experience similar bloating. To reduce bloating, prevent water retention as it can make you feel worse. Ensure that you do some light exercises to reduce your stress levels as it can affect your digestion and in turn lead to bloating. Prevent gas buildup with the right kind of diet.

7 Interesting Facts About Poop You Must Know

Ever wondered why your poop sinks or floats? Do you feel that you more poop more on your period but don't know why? Did you know that poop is transplanted from donors to patients? There are several insights about this smelly but important excretion from your body you may want to take a look. Knowing about your poop will help keep your health in check.

5 Myths About Swimming While On Your Period Debunked

If swimming is an activity that you love to do, then why let your period stop you? It turns out a large number of...

Why Do Asthma Symptoms Worsen Before Your Period?

If you’ve been suffering from asthma, then you might notice your symptoms become aggravated around the time you get your period. The symptoms of...

7 Poop Facts Every Woman Should Know

Pooping habits can be different for each person, but there are certain facts you must know about pooping. If you are worried about your...

7 Essential Habits For Optimal Vaginal Health

To keep your vagina healthy, practice certain habits to maintain microbial balance and acidity. Treat infections early and regularly visit the gynecologist for routine Pap smears and pelvic exams. The vagina also cleans itself, so avoid douching, a practice that kills good bacteria. Using petroleum jelly and oil as lube will disrupt the acidity, too. Practice good hygiene and switch out tampons and pads regularly. To let the area breathe, wear loose and dry clothing.

7 Things That Women Secretly Wish Men Knew About Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a confusing experience for men, especially when their partners get pregnant for the first time. They are figuring out just as...

7 Things To Share With Your Gynecologist Without Being Embarrassed

Gynecologists are an important part of all women's lives. As women are riding up the success ladder, the stress is increasing in their lives....

6 Things Gynecologists Wish All Women Knew

Gynecologists play a pivotal part in the lives of all women. Gynecologists happen to be the ones who know their patients inside out quite...

5 Deadly Toxins In Sanitary Napkins And Tampons

Sanitary napkins and tampons are not as safe as you think. Even the cotton ones are loaded with toxic pesticides and dioxin, which affect estrogen functioning. Bisphenol A, which is added to make pads and tampons flexible, has been found to affect embryonic development when exposed women conceive. Bleached rayon, which makes pads and tampons look squeaky clean, can cause yeast and bladder infections. You may also experience allergic reactions to a compound called methyldibromo glutaronitrile.
first period after pregnancy

First Period After Pregnancy: What To Expect Post Childbirth

Prolactin, the milk-producing hormone in humans, inhibits ovulation. Hence, mothers of exclusively breastfed babies get a period 6–8 months after delivery. Bottlefeeding mothers may get into the flow much earlier, as early as 4 weeks after delivery. Remember, pregnancy is a possibility even if your period hasn't resumed. An iron-rich diet and herbs such as moringa, garden cress, and shatavari can help ease you into the menstrual routine after childbirth.