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Tag: Horseradish

This Tonic Boosts Your Immunity And Fights Infection

This recipe calls for turmeric, ginger, garlic, onion, horseradish, apple cider vinegar, and peppers. All of these ingredients have great properties. They have antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. They also help settle the stomach and improve general functioning. This tonic gives your immunity a much-needed boost. Take about a tablespoon a day to experience these results.

9 Easy Ways To Treat Boils Using Garlic

Add garlic to foods like soups to consume garlic. Apply a paste of garlic cloves to the boils. You can also use garlic onion paste or garlic turmeric paste. Placing a heated garlic on the infected area, applying garlic oil or garlic and eucalyptus oil, washing the boils with water boiled with garlic cloves are effective ways to treat boils.

10 Most Powerful Natural Antibiotics Known To Man

Every time you have a cold, flu, or an infection, it has become commonplace to pop an antibiotic pill and flush out the infection...

8 Reasons Why You Should Include Horseradish In Your Diet

Since centuries mankind has reaped the various benefits of horseradish. Its pungent smell and strong flavor have made it a popular savory in cuisines worldwide. However, researchers have proved that sinigrin in horseradish has endowed it with a lot of health benefits like cardioprotective, laxative and immunity boosting properties.
natural remedies for nasal polyps

5 Natural Remedies For Nasal Polyps You Should Try At Home

Take 1t of turmeric powder with warm milk, every morning and before bedtime on a regular basis. Up your intake of citrus fruits, garlic, horseradish (if you hate the strong flavor, mix it with honey!) in your daily meal plan. Dip a cotton bud in tea tree oil and apply it along the nasal passage at least twice a day.