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CoQ10 may reduce high blood pressure but should not be used to substitute conventional medicine.

Should You Take CoQ10 For High Blood Pressure?

Provitamin CoQ10 is taken as a supplement to bring down blood pressure, reduce heart problems, and slow the effects of aging. While many studies have shown its potential for lowering blood pressure by as much as 17 mm Hg for systolic and 10 mm Hg for diastolic blood pressure, further research and trials are needed to confirm its benefits.

10 Common Stroke Symptoms Everyone Needs To Be Aware Of

Every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke. Every 4 minutes, a stroke-related death occurs.Stroke Facts. Centers for Disease Control and...

5 Surprising Benefits Of Eating Birdseed

Birdseed, or canary seed, isn’t just for our feathered friends. When it’s grown for human consumption, the cereal grain has amazing health benefits. This functional food suppresses enzymes that constrict blood vessels and increase blood pressure. It also inhibits enzymes that promote carb and fat absorption, making it useful for managing obesity and diabetes. The rich antioxidant content of canary seed also lowers the risk of chronic disease by fighting oxidative stress and inflammation.

Masturbation And High Blood Pressure: The Connection You Need To Know About

Mastrubation by itself may not cause a BP problem but it can cause a BP spike just before and shortly after ejaculation/ orgasm. If your hypertension is uncontrolled and you’re a high-risk patient, you may run the risk of a cardiac event or stroke when you masturbate or have sex. But having hypertension doesn’t mean masturbation is off the cards either – as long as your BP is managed properly with medication or lifestyle changes.

Herbs And Spices For High Blood Pressure: Fight Your BP Problem With These 12...

Many herbs and spices contain bioactive compounds that help lower your blood pressure, working as a perfect ally to other lifestyle and diet changes. Herbs like thyme, sweet basil, hibiscus, phyllanthus, Indian snakeroot, and ashwagandha can help reduce high blood pressure. Flavoring your food with spices such as garlic, ginger, turmeric, cardamom, saffron, and cinnamon can also rein in the problem.

10 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Eating Pineapples

Pineapple is a fruit that has many useful properties that can improve your health. It is also known to help fight free radicals that can cause cancer. Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples can reduce inflammation and prevent blood clots. The beta-carotene in the fruit fights macular degeneration and its potassium content helps lower blood pressure. So, eating this fruit and drinking pineapple juice is beneficial to prevent and treat many diseases.
turmeric for high blood pressure

Turmeric For High Blood Pressure: How The Golden Spice Can Help

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric may help you fight high blood pressure. Curcumin in it inhibits the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) which increases blood pressure. Aside from reducing high blood pressure, turmeric can also mitigate the damage caused by it. It can prevent damage to your arteries and any changes in your blood platelets caused by high blood pressure.

5 Herbs That Can Treat High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a serious condition, which left untreated can lead to heart diseases and stroke. Although lifestyle changes can help to keep your blood pressure under control, certain herbs are also effective against high blood pressure. Herbs including Garlic, Hawthorn, buchu, and celery seeds, and hibiscus can lower the bad cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Ensure that you consume these herbs in moderation if you are taking medications for high blood pressure.

Proven Benefits And Side Effects Of Kola Nuts

Kola nuts are native to West Africa. They are high in caffeine which is the reason behind all their benefits and side effects. Chewing them can get rid of drowsiness and make you alert. It also relieves indigestion and plays a role in suppressing appetite. However, it's not safe for consumption by hypertensive individuals or people who have an existing allergy to nuts.

Are Diabetics At An Increased Risk For Heart Disease?

Diabetics are at a much higher risk for heart diseases and strokes or heart attacks than those who are not diabetic. They have weaker blood vessels, which exerts pressure on the heart. Managing certain factors such as blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, stress, and weight can help reduce this risk. You must also look into your family's medical history to see if you are more at risk of developing heart diseases as well.

How Busting The “Disease” Myth Can Help Us Stay Healthier

High blood pressure is your body's way of correcting the problem of blocked arteries, while osteoporosis is its way of restoring mineral balances within the system. Cancer is nothing but your cells responding to a dangerous situation by proliferating rapidly. In other words, diseases are symptoms of a bigger problems. Instead of silencing these symptoms, finding and fixing the root cause offers a solution that is both sustainable and permanent.

Health Conditions You May Not Spot Until It’s Too Late

Even the smallest warning sign from your body can be indicating a serious disease. Certain health conditions such as sleep apnea, glaucoma, hypertension, diabetes, and lung cancer show mild to no symptoms in the early stages. But catching them early ensures complete treatment. For early diagnosis and to prevent further damage to your body, get yourself checked regularly and stay active.

Remember These Risk Factors For Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration also known as AMD or ARMD (Age-Related Macular Degeneration) happens to be the leading cause of vision loss and blindness in Americans...
garlic for high blood pressure

Why You Should Try Garlic For High Blood Pressure

Flavorsome garlic may be able to help lower high blood pressure levels. It can do this by regulating nitric oxide signaling pathways, promoting the production of hydrogen sulfide, and blocking angiotensin II production. These, in turn, dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. The higher your blood pressure, the greater the reduction effected by garlic.
why my urine is cloudy

6 Reasons Why Your Pee Appears Cloudy

Cloudy urine is pretty normal if you have consumed a lot of dairy products. However, in individuals suffering from diseases like kidney stones, enlarged prostate or progressive renal diseases, cloudy urine is a characteristic symptom. Even in early pregnancy, many women notice a murky appearance of urine. People with uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension also complain of having cloudy urine.