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15 Health Benefits Of Salmon You Should Know Of

Salmon is a highly nutritious fish, rich in omega 3 fats, protein, vitamin D, and selenium. At least 2 servings per week can help protect your heart, strengthen the bones and reduce the risk of joint disorders, manage diabetes, regulate thyroid function, boost immunity, and prevent eye disorders.

Is The Fish You Buy Safe To Eat? Remember These Tips

When you live far from the coastline, the fish that reaches you is rarely fresh, even if supermarkets and restaurateurs claim otherwise. Countries like America execute the best fishing practices so fish caught here is usually safe to eat. Wild-caught fish is safer to eat than farmed fish, provided one picks smaller fish from the lower rungs of the food chain, while fish that's labeled "organic" is best avoided.
What these different odors mean for your vagina

5 Different Vaginal Odors And What They Mean

Every vagina has a distinct smell and most times, this is completely normal. The vagina consists of millions of bacteria, both good and bad....

Power-Packed Foods That Can Keep Your Penis Healthy

Men's sexual health is not a popular topic of discussion even among men. Most men go into denial mode when they are diagnosed with...
Eat the right food to keep your skin looking healthy and beautiful.)

8 Beauty Foods For Soft And Healthy Skin

Healthy skin is a reflection of a healthy lifestyle. If we eat the right food, sleep well, and lead a healthy life, our skin...

Fight Hair Loss Naturally With These 5 Foods

Hair loss is common and has many reasons, but don't be so quick to buy chemical products. The omega-3s in nuts and salmon may increase hair growth and thickness. For people with mild-to-moderate hair loss, seaweed might lend a hand. Low levels of iron and zinc are linked to shedding, but oysters are rich in both nutrients. Spinach also contains iron and vitamin C, which aids iron absorption.

6 Reasons Why You Should Stop Seeking Perfection In Men Who Aren’t Perfect

Perfection is a mirage that people seek in the desert of life. When we fall in love we tend to forget about this truth....

6 Immunity-Boosting Foods To Eat To Fight Off That Nasty Cold

Garlic contains allicin, a compound that has magical flu-fighting antimicrobial properties while the sesquiterpenes in ginger fight off common cold-causing rhinoviruses. Leafy greens and wild salmon boost your immunity with a healthy dose of vitamin C and vitamin D respectively. Honey, being antioxidant and antimicrobial in nature, alleviates cold symptoms while chicken soup is not just anti-inflammatory but also aides in the release of mucus secretions.

7 Natural Ways To Increase Feel-Good Hormones

When you’re feeling down, certain habits and activities will turn things around. Try sipping on water, as mild dehydration may cause irritability and fatigue. Soak up the sun to promote serotonin production. Snack on dark chocolate, a sweet treat that reduces cortisol, the stress hormone. Eating fatty fish will also offer brain-friendly omega-3 fats. To recharge the mind, practice aromatherapy, meditation, and yoga. The benefits are even greater when combined.
(you may be making certain mistakes when it comes to superfoods, and you may be negating all of their health benefits)

6 Ways You Actually End Up Killing All The Goodness In Superfoods

As each day goes by, people are becoming more and more conscious of their health because they now know that a sedentary and unhealthy...
what is a pescatarian diet

Go Fish: Everything You Need To Know About The Pescatarian Diet

A pescatarian is essentially a vegetarian who eats seafood, whether for ethical reasons or for an easier transition to a vegan diet. The pescatarian diet also helps with weight control and lowers risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and colorectal cancer. Make your diet pescatarian by adding lean white or oily fish to a nutritious Mediterranean diet of fresh veggies, fruits, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and healthy oils.

Want To Lose Weight? Avoid This Common Mistake

Many people eat less to lose weight. Unfortunately, this can backfire and increase hunger, so focus on eating nutrients that enhance satiety. Avocado is rich in filling fats, while salmon and eggs are lean sources of protein. Beans and hummus have both fiber and protein, making them a must for losing weight. Fiber-rich oats double as a satisfying breakfast. To hold you over until the next meal, eat grapes, which are high in water and vitamins.

5 Anti-Inflammatory Foods To Manage Autoimmune Diseases

To manage an autoimmune disease, eat a diet that combats inflammation. Avocado contains anti-inflammatory fatty acids plus antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and E. For a dose of lean protein, eat fatty fish that contain inflammation-fighting fats. An egg has a similar effect but ensure you eat the yolk as well. Even the antioxidants in green tea will handle flare-ups. Snack on nuts for anti-inflammatory nutrients like magnesium, fiber, and unsaturated fatty acids.

7 Handy Tips To Help You Switch Over To Meat Eating

After eating a vegetarian or vegan diet, consuming meat again takes time. Start small and introduce it slowly. To avoid handling raw meat, buy it pre-cooked or dine out. You can even sneak it into meals like soups and casseroles. When you do buy meat, make sure it’s of high quality and talk to local farmers so you can learn where it comes from. Seafood is an ideal "starter" meat because it's easy to digest.

Farm-Raised Vs Wild Salmon: Which Is Better?

Salmon is good for you, but is this true for all types of salmon? Perhaps, not. Wild salmon contains a significantly lower concentration of pollutants and toxins, unlike farm-raised salmon that increases the risk of toxic poisoning. When it comes to nutrition, wild salmon might be a better choice as it contains omega-3 fatty acids but not satured fat (as opposed to farmed salmon, which is high in polyunsaturated and saturated fat). To have a balanced meal, eat no more than 2–3 servings of fish every week.