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Can Your Birth Season Shed Some Light On Your Health Chart?

Studies have found strong links between an individual's birth month and a higher risk of certain diseases. For instance, spring babies may be more prone to developing heart diseases while winter babies face a higher risk of developing mental illnesses. While the exact connection is yet to be found, researchers believe that this has plenty to do with factors like exposure to vitamin D and seasonal allergens like dust mites.

All You Need To Know About 20/30 Vision

Having a proper vision is indeed a privilege. Not everyone has 20/20 vision and variations are bound to occur. If you have 20/30 vision it only means that you have stand 20 feet away from an object to view what a person with normal vision can see at 30 feet. Most of the time you don't need glasses or contacts for 20/30 vision. However, if you develop any eye strain or headaches, you need correction immediately.
Keratoconus: Diagnosis, Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Keratoconus: Diagnosis, Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Keratoconus is the bulging of the cornea caused by the weak collagen fibers and results in poor vision. Researchers believe that genetic factors could play a huge role, though the disease has also been linked to Down’s syndrome, allergies, and using poorly-fitting lenses. Keratoconus mostly affects teenagers and young people. Depending on the stage of the disease, keratoconus can be treated using glasses, contact lenses, or surgery.

5 Health Conditions That Don’t Need Antibiotics

Antibiotics aren't always needed to tide through an illness. On the contrary, they might lead to antibiotic resistance and worsen your symptoms. They might also cause severe diarrhea and allergic reactions. Hence, knowing when to avoid them is important. Most respiratory illnesses, especially viral disorders, don't benefit from antibiotics. Antibiotic products don't benefit eczema, pink eye, or ear infections. Lastly, asymptiomatic bacteriuria is natural in older women and don't need any antibiotic treatment.

How To Treat Sticky Eye Discharge In Toddlers

Many babies experience a yellowish or greenish sticky discharge in their eyes. This usually happens because of an accumulation of tears in the narrow tear ducts and can be triggered by a cold, an infection, an allergy, or even conjunctivitis. You can clean this off your baby's eyes using sterilized water and clean cotton wool, but if this problem persists, you should take your baby to the doctor's immediately.

4 Ways To Get Rid Of A Swollen Eyelid At Home

A swollen eye could be caused due to allergies, cellulitis, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, or a stye. And, in mild cases, you could ease the swelling and pain at home. Try a warm compress to drain pus and infections. Alternatively, you could also use a tea bag compress or a cold compress. Wash your eyes frequently to ease allergen-related inflammation. Massage your eyelids regularly and try a tea tree oil scrub to speed up the healing process.

7 Home Remedies For Beautiful Skin And Shiny Hair

If you added up all the money you’ve spent over the years to get perfect skin and hair, it would probably be a small...
causes of balance disorder

Causes Of Balance Disorder: What’s Throwing You Off Balance?

A complex arrangement that involves your inner ear as well as musculoskeletal and visual systems is responsible for maintaining your balance. Disturbances in your inner ear due to factors like infection or aging can throw you off balance. Diabetes, hypothyroidism, poor blood circulation, low blood pressure, and migraines can result in a balance disorder. So can central neurological disorders, head injuries, certain medications, and issues with the skeletal or visual systems.

Causes And Treatment Of Eye Pain

Do you feel a sharp, throbbing, or stabbing sensation in your eye when you blink? If left untreated, this pain can get a lot worse than it is now. Disorders associated with it include optic neuritis, iritis, corneal abrasions, ulcers, chemical burns, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, sinus, migraine, and blepharitis. Natural remedies include warm compress, warm tea bag compress, and aloe vera gel. However, if the pain is accompanied by vomiting and blurred vision, consult a professional.
Hypnagogia is a condition intertwining wakefulness and sleep

Everything You Need To Know About Hypnagogia

Hypnagogia connects wakefulness and sleep. Like REM, it's a state of vivid dreaming, but you're aware enough of what is going on. This can be an excellent source of inspiration! During hypnagogia, you may experience visions, flashes of color, subconscious insights, sounds, and a period of open-mindedness. Many creative minds get their best ideas from this dreamy, trance-like state of mind.
If you suffer from any condition such as diabetes, hepatitis, or autoimmune disorders, they will show up on your eyes first)

5 Reasons Why Your Eyes May Be Acting Weird

Your eyes are one of the most important parts of your body. They help you see the beauty in this world and also help...

6 Signs That Indicate Your Eyes Need Attention

Discomfort in the eyes can arise as a result of allergy or microbial infection. Redness and swelling of the eyes can occur when you come in contact with allergens. A thick white crusty discharge is seen in conjunctivitis of the eyes. When the follicles of eyelashes get clogged an eye stye can develop. Blurref visison can occur due to refractive errors or in cataract or glaucoma.

5 Common Symptoms Of Eye Disorders

Eye disorders are frustrating and difficult to differentiate between. However, knowledge of the most common symptoms can help you make an educated guess. Redness can be caused due to dryness, sun exposure, dust, or eye injuries. Discharge might indicate an eye infection or a blocked tear duct. Infections, allergies, and chemical irritants cause itching and burning. Infections, inflammations, headache, and flu cause eye pain. Lastly, blurred vision could be serious and needs medical attention.

5 Things You Should Know About Peeling Skin On Eyelids

The most common and well-known cause of your eyelid skin peeling off is known as eyelid contact dermatitis. It occurs when your eyes have been irritated with an allergen, like soaps and detergents. Maintaining proper eye hygiene, combating dandruff issues, if any, and cleaning the eyes with a warm soak can help. If the eye condition gets worse and makes you uncomfortable, see a doctor immediately.

Sunken Eyes: Causes, Prevention, And Home Remedies

Sunken eyes often give one the appearance of looking dull, tired and sometimes unhealthy. Don't try to cover up with makeup, Here's how to target the root causes. These include lack of sleep, dehydration, smoking, genetics, aging, sun exposure, and dramatic weight loss. Effective home remedies include almond oil, coconut oil, potato slices, and cucumber slices. In addition, drink plenty of water, sleep well, and avoid smoking.