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Tag: Evening Primrose Oil

How To Make Your Own Facial Oil

All You Need To Know About Making Your Own Facial Oil

To make a facial oil, the general rule is to add 12 drops of essential oil for 1 oz of carrier oil. You could also add a few drops of a bonus oil for that extra push. Carrier oils can be coconut oil, sweet almond oil, and extra virgin olive oil. Essential oils can be chamomile oil, lavender oil, and frankincense oil. You could also mix them with rosehip oil.

6 Ways To Get Your Baby To Drop Into Pelvis

Pregnancy journey is all about mysteries. Right from the physical discomforts to the potential problems that can arise, or the intimate relations between spouses...

10 Disease-Fighting Herbs That Are Easy To Grow

Herbs need not be something you add to your dishes while cooking. With a little bit of interest and effort, you can have your very own herb garden at home. Many of the commonly found herbs have excellent health benefits and have been used for centuries. It's best to plant and nurture the herb that most suits to your ailment.
benefits of evening primrose oil

6 Proven Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil For The Hair And Skin

Evening primrose oil is a popular component of many a remedies and cosmetic products. Its moisturizing, astringent, anti-inflammatory properties combined with essential fatty acid content, make it a good skin and hair care component to battle wrinkles, aging, sun damage, and even atopic dermatitis. However, solid evidence might be lacking for some claims.

9 Natural Ways To Induce Labor

After waiting for 37 weeks of gestation, when you are ready to have a baby, it might be comfortably snuggled in your womb and...
Best Super Foods For Thyroid Health

The 8 Best Super Foods For Thyroid Health

The thyroid gland is small, but mighty because it controls and plays important roles in so many different functions of the body. There are...
Natural Remedies For Fibrocystic Breasts

Are There Natural Remedies For Fibrocystic Breasts?

Evening Primrose Oil contains essential fatty acids, that helps reduce autoimmune inflammations and pain. Moderate amounts of flaxseed oil keeps estrogen levels low and reduces the effects of fibrocystic breasts. Caffeine reduction helps alleviate breast pain. Lower dietary fat intake reduces severity of symptoms. Stop or reduce smoking.
Six Herbal Supplements that Reduce Cholesterol

Herbs to Lower Cholesterol: Six Best Supplements

Alfalfa-blocks absorption of bad cholesterol, prevents plaque build-up. Garlic-lowers bad cholesterol, elevates good cholesterol. Hawthorn leaf-reduces inflammation. Evening Primrose Oil- helps produce PFE1 that fights inflammation and high cholesterol. Green tea- lowers bad cholesterol. Glucomannan-lowers triglyceride levels, aids weight loss.