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symptoms of deviated septum

6 Signs And Symptoms Of Deviated Septum

Your nasal septum is a straight wall made of bone and cartilage which should ideally divide your nasal cavity into two equal parts. In some cases, due to a birth defect, or an injury to the nose, the septum bends severely to one side. This can make it difficult to breathe through your nose. It can also cause chronic sinus infections, nosebleeds, headaches, snoring, and disturbed sleep.
benefits of intermittent fasting

16 Amazing Health Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting reduces inflammation in the body. It fights cardiovascular, metabolic, autoimmune, and neurodegenerative diseases as well as diabetes. It also prevents infections, age-related brain disorders, and cancer. Fasting intermittently boosts gut, skin, and brain health. Not to mention, it improves sleep, boosts mood, and aids weight loss. As little as skipping a single meal on alternate days could help.
causes of dry mouth

13 Possible Causes Of Dry Mouth

People with dry mouth have insufficient saliva in their mouths. Dehydration, mouth breathing, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, certain medications, nerve damage, and obstructions in your salivary ducts can all cause this condition. So can hormonal changes experienced during menopause and pregnancy and medical conditions like diabetes, Sjögren's syndrome, HIV, and infections that affect your salivary glands. Drinking alcohol, smoking, and having caffeine can also be contributing factors.

15 Possible Causes Of Excessive Saliva Production

The accumulation of excess saliva in your mouth can be uncomfortable and even distressing. A host of conditions can cause this problem – mononucleosis, strep throat, tonsillitis, peritonsillar abscess, and gastroesophageal reflux disease are a few. Excessive salivation is also common if you have nausea, are pregnant, or are on certain medicines. Swollen adenoids, exposure to toxins, and certain nervous system disorders can be triggers as well.
natural ways to stop snoring

How To Stop Snoring Naturally: 5 Effective Ways That Work

Sleeping on your side, losing excess weight, and avoiding alcohol and smoking can help if you are snoring regularly. Anti-snoring devices like nasal strips, chin strips, and mandibular advancement devices can also reduce snoring by allowing you to breathe properly through your nose. Natural remedies such as yogurt, turmeric, and pineapple, as well as saline nasal washes and peppermint steam inhalations, can come in handy if a stuffy nose is making you snore.
what causes wheezing

What Causes Wheezing? 10 Possible Reasons

Wheezing is whistling sound that’s produced when you breathe and usually indicates respiratory problems. Medical conditions like asthma, cardiac asthma, bronchiolitis, bronchiectasis, pneumonia, acute bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and gastroesophageal reflux disease can cause it. So can a foreign object stuck in your airways and reactions to medications or insect bites.

6 Side Effects Of Fasting Or Skipping Meals On Your Body

Skipping meals or going on a detox that requires you to stick to just water for a day or two may seem like a good idea. But what happens to your body when you skip a meal? Is it all good? Whether your goal is weight loss or a “cleanse,” here’s how going without any food for long stretches feels on the inside.

Understanding Adenoiditis And How To Treat It

Part of the immune system, the adenoids are located in the back of the throat. Adenoiditis occurs when these become inflamed, often due to infection. Result is a stuffy nose, fitful sleep, impaired hearing. To help cure it naturally, gargle twice a day with a mix of 1c warm water, 1/2t each of turmeric and salt and/or try herbs like sitopaladi, garlic, sage, licorice, amalaki.

What Is The Right Way To Gargle?

Put a small amount of the gargling liquid in your mouth and swish it around. Tilt your head back slightly, pull your tongue back a little and without swallowing the liquid, try to open your mouth and make an "ahhh" sound. Allow the gargling liquid to bubble through the upper throat and in the mouth for about 30 seconds. Spit the gargling liquid out into the sink.