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10 Home Remedies To Brighten Up Dull Skin

10 Home Remedies To Brighten Up Dull Skin

Skin dullness is a problem that plagues many of us. Many factors such as a poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle, stress, lack of sleep, pollution and harmful chemicals contribute to skin dullness. When the skin becomes dull, it makes us look older and unhealthy. By using commonly found items in your kitchen, you can easily treat skin dullness and restore its glow and youthfulness.
6 Natural Home Remedies For Treating Mosquito Bites

6 Natural Home Remedies For Treating Mosquito Bites

Ice delivers a cold sensation that numbs itching and reduces swelling. Toothpaste can help cure mosquito bites too thanks to the combined action of the cooling effects of menthol and baking soda which is a popular acid neutralizer. Onions rich in quercetin acts as a natural anti-histamine, while the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of honey also make it an effective home remedy for mosquito bites.

9 Natural, Effective Remedies For Ringworm

Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin and causes red, itchy and scaly patches on the skin. The name ‘ringworm’ is a bit...
home remedies to treat bv (bacterial vaginosis)

7 Best Home Remedies To Treat BV (Bacterial Vaginosis)

Bacterial vaginosis is a common vaginal infection where the bad bacteria in your vagina outnumber the good bacteria. Including garlic and yogurt in your diet, using a garlic or boric acid suppository, and rinsing with yogurt, diluted tea tree oil, or a goldenseal solution can be helpful. Meanwhile, not using soap to clean your vagina, wearing cotton underwear, and practicing safe sex may help prevent this infection.
home remedies for dry mouth

10 Easy Home Remedies For Dry Mouth

Dry mouth is caused by the lack of sufficient saliva in your mouth. While mainstream remedies include oral moisturizers or artificial saliva, you can sort out a dry mouth with some home remedies. Sucking on ice chips, drinking lots of fluids, and chewing on sugar-free candies or gum can help. So can using a humidifier, having papaya or pineapple, and avoiding caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and drying oral products. Also pay attention to your oral hygiene.

7 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Nausea

If you’re feeling nauseous, drink water or eat something light. Rice, toast, and crackers are easy on the stomach. Suck on a lemon wedge or drink warm lemon water. Teas made with ginger, peppermint, and chamomile will also calm the stomach. If you don't have access to these, sniff ginger or peppermint oil. Lying down or putting your head in between your knees will also help, especially if nausea is from seasickness or motion sickness.

12 Remedies That Can Help You Stop Snoring

Snoring is an extremely common problem and up to half of all American adults snore. Snoring occurs when air flows through your throat when you breathe...
Constipation can be treated at home easily.)

5 Easy Home Remedies To Get Relief From Constipation

Most of us have the habit of using the toilet right after we wake up in the morning, so that we can clear our...
natural remedies to heal wounds

7 Natural Home Remedies To Heal Wounds

Unless you have yourself with a sharp object which has lead to a deep cut, natural home remedies can be used to heal the wounds. Honey, potato, coconut oil, aloe vera, tea tree oil, and turmeric can be used to speed up the healing process. They have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and analgesic properties that help to reduce pain, swelling and also promote the regeneration of skin cells.

Natural And Quick Relief Remedies To Relieve Headaches

Headaches affect all of us at some point or the other in our lives. The pounding and throbbing feeling in your head feels as if your head is going to explode. You experience pain, irritability, and lack of focus. Most people just pop a painkiller without thinking about its side-effects, which can even damage their kidneys. Instead, simple natural remedies provide quick relief from a headache without any side-effects.
Home Remedies For Beauty Problems

6 Best Remedies For Every Beauty Problem

The huge beauty industry has products for almost every skin concern you might have. However, these products are not always effective and sometimes aren't...

Feeling Anxious? Try These 2-Minute Remedies!

With the right approach, coping with anxiety can just take two minutes. Try deep belly breathing, an exercise that promotes calmness. You can also do pursed lips breathing for added benefits. The quieting response uses visualization, making it perfect for a messy mind. Combine breathing and meditation to do focused breathing, or place your attention on an item for object-focused meditation. Counting while meditating is another way to recharge and refocus.

5 Simple Home Remedies For Psoriasis Using Olive Oil

Dry, red and itchy skin patches are the distinct feature of psoriasis. Olive oil is a natural remedy that can soothe the inflamed psoriatic plaques thanks to its high fatty acid, vitamin E, and antioxidant content. This is the reason why extra virgin olive oil can be excellent at moisturizing them and helping them heal. Its action gets enhanced when mixed with tea tree oil or turmeric.
how to increase platelet count naturally

How To Increase Platelet Count Naturally

If your blood platelet count is dropping or well below ideal levels, you may need to supplement any other treatment with some natural remedies as well. Even if you’re just looking at remedies for a moderately low count, these easy remedies can help. Get some sunshine, cut out alcohol, stay hydrated and consume foods rich in vitamins B12, C, and K that help build and cleanse blood. Or try Ayurvedic remedy amla or drink some papaya leaf juice to help boost that platelet count.
can strengthen your immune syste

6 Home Remedies For Allergies That Actually Work

Living with allergies is like walking in a field full of landmines. While some triggers are obvious, you never are too sure what may...