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5 Tips To Take Care Of Your Bones As You Age

Poor bone density can put you at the risk of injuries. Your lifestyle choices can take a toll on your bone health. To take care of your bones, avoid smoking or drinking, exercise regularly, follow a diet rich in calcium, reduce your sugar intake, and get your daily dose of vitamin D. These habits can make your bones stronger and prevent bone loss as you age,
A 4-Ingredient Anti-Aging Face Mask That Your Skin Will Love

4-Ingredient Anti-Aging Face Mask That Your Skin Will Love

Not only does honey help lock moisture in your skin, it also contains antioxidants that fight skin cancer. Lemon juice provides you skin with vitamin C that restores damaged tissue with scar tissue, cinnamon serves to trigger the production of collagen which is essential for wrinkle-free skin, and nutmeg's anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties fight acne. Together, these ingredients help protect your skin against the harmful signs of aging.
Loneliness A Deadly Problem That Affects People Of All Ages

Loneliness: A Deadly Problem That Affects People Of All Ages

Hectic lifestyles and dependency on modern technology have left little room for socializing with people. Families are becoming nuclear and moving away from their near and dear ones because of jobs, education or other reasons. This has resulted in a number of people feeling lonely and isolated, which can lead to depression and even suicide. Loneliness can even cause cardiovascular diseases resulting in death.

4 Crucial Ways Porn Affects Your Relationship

Many assume that porn is harmless. In the porn world, porn is considered as a prelude or an alternative to sex. People turn to porn to fantasize about their unmet sexual desires. Though porn may be dismissed as a matter of erotic escape, it can impact people’s behavior and affect all of their relationships negatively. Partners may become less interested in reality, intimacy, and judgemental of appearance. It might take away valuable time from family and lead to detachment.
how much fiber do children need

Dietary Fiber Needs Of Children Across All Ages

Growing children and adolescents need a regular intake of fiber for the proper functioning of their digestive system. It lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases, childhood obesity, and diabetes too. The recommended daily allowance of fiber varies with age. It's important to drink lots of water when fiber consumption is more. Several dietary changes can be made to include more fiber in your child's diet.
French Lifestyle Plays An Important Role In Maintaining Their Health And Wellness

Five Wellness Tips Learned From French Lifestyle And Living

Different cultures around the world have unique and varying habits that set them apart from the other cultures. The French are no different. There...
Breastfeeding has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer

5 Ways How Breastfeeding Reduces Breast Cancer Risk

Lifestyle factors are often attributed to the development of breast cancer. However, there are some ways to reduce the risk of developing it and breastfeeding is one known way. It has been shown repeatedly that women who breastfeed are at lesser risk of developing breast cancer after menopause. Even just five months of breastfeeding for mothers of all ages can reduce the risk by up to 2 percent. A hormonal link also exists, and it can be said that breastfeeding helps release oxytocin which has protective effects.
Make sure you take care of your eyes well especially after the age of 60

How To Take Care Of Your Eyes At Age 60 And Beyond

At 60, age-related eye changes are common. Presbyopia, or the inability to see close objects, is treated with reading glasses. Cataracts form when proteins clump up, while glaucoma develops when eye pressure increases. Symptoms aren’t always obvious but eye exams catch them early. The same goes for age-related macular degeneration, a slow form of vision loss. Floaters are harmless but they might disrupt vision. Treat your eyes well with regular check-ups, healthy food exercise sunglasses, and sleep.
Beauty Myths That You Should Start Believing

5 Beauty ‘Myths’ That Are Surprisingly True

We have grown up with our grandmothers telling us so many beauty tips that we always dismissed as old wives tales. Strangely enough many of...
Sex can be just as fulfilling in your 50s.

6 Ways Sex Can Change After Age 50

Sex after fifty can be incredibly fulfilling if both partners are willing to take it slow, experiment, and learn. Both sexes will experience biological changes that may seem like it would hinder sex their lives but they can be dealt with easily. One may become more self-confident and attuned to their partner's needs. You may not need birth control after 50 but you still need protection from STDs.

Facial Fascia Treatment For Younger-Looking Skin

When skin ages, it loses its firmness, becomes translucent and dull, and gets dark spots. It also loses the ability to repair itself as quickly as it used to. Cosmetic procedures like botox, trichloroacetic acid peel, sclerotherapy, and radio frequency skin tightening promise younger looking skin but don't last long. They also might have side effects. New research has shown that fascia, which is the tissue that shapes skin, could be manipulated for firmer skin.
aging-related feet problems and care

5 Tips For Proper Foot Care As We Age

The feet are the least acknowledged parts of the body. Especially as we age, the skin elasticity reduces and muscle wasting increases. Wearing well-supported footwear, maintaining proper feet hygiene can help prevent pain and infections of the feet. You have to very careful with your feet if you are a diabetic. Daily foot exercises can also boost their blood circulation and strength.

Serious Health Issues That Might Be Causing Your Dark Circles

Most of you believe that those unsightly and annoying dark circles on your face are caused by a lack of sleep, exhaustion, or due to staring at a computer screen for hours. While this can be true, there are other factors that could possibly cause dark circles. Dark circles under your eyes can also be the underlying sign of more serious health issues, including anemia, liver disease, and dehydration.

How To Treat Wrinkles And Adult Acne Together

You’ve left acne and breakouts far behind you after your teenage years – or so you thought! Having to deal with acne all over...

6 Reasons Why Your Period May Be Worse Than Others

Unhealthy diets and weight gain can cause unbearable period pain. Too little or too much exercise can cause painful periods. Sometimes, a painful period can be because of your age, which decreases with time. Period cramps can be relieved using oral contraceptives prescribed by a doctor. Period irregularities may be due to a health condition like endometriosis.