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7 Funny Face Yoga Excercises For A Healthy You

The benefit of Yoga and the poses it consists of is not new. But, something new on the tray is “Face Yoga”. Yes! You heard us right. Face Yoga is relatively a new form/adaptation of Yoga that concerns itself only with the face. It may require one to pull off ridiculous expressions using every muscle in the face, but the results are definitely worth it.
ways to live longer till 100

6 Lifestyle Changes To Adopt If You Want To Be Healthy At 100

Growing old is no fun if you aren't healthy and prosperous. There are no secrets to living a long life except that you have got to lead it as mindfully as possible. Embrace lifestyle changes like eating right, exercising daily, keeping the brain stimulated and de-stressing with meditation and yoga. Have a positive approach towards life and be loving and kind.
Yoga Poses For Improved Fertility In Women

5 Yoga Poses For Improved Fertility In Women

Infertility is a common concern among people of this generation. This is thanks to the excess stress caused by a busy work life. Yoga, which is great for improving overall health, also works wonders for improving fertility. Try poses like the seated forward bend pose, standing forward bend pose, legs up the wall pose, one legged forward bend pose, and bee breathing technique for improved fertility.
yoga poses for cleasning

9 Yoga Poses For A Daily Detox

There are many aspects to yoga, and even though its main goal is to drive spiritual progress and help practitioners reach enlightenment, one can...
The vagus nerve must stay activated for our vital organs to function properly.

5 Ways To Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve

The vagus nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. It starts in the brain, circles around our digestive system, and connects to...
yoga for knee pain)

Yoga Poses To Get Relief From Aching Knees And Joints

Your knees are very tricky joints and you need to keep them lubricated, strong, and flexible in their range of motion. If you have...

4 Ways You Can Relax Your Mind And Body To Sleep Better

Sleeping and getting enough rest during the night is important to keep you healthy mentally and physically. Yoga exercises like shavasana, pawanmuktasana, and viparita karani can help you relax your joints and muscles, and also relieve pain if any. Furthermore, wave exercises can also help you relieve back pain by targeting the deep muscles in your back.
an effective alternative remedy to reduce insomnia)

Fight Insomnia With These Six Calming Yoga Poses

Insomnia has become so widespread that it needs no introduction. It can be caused by psychiatric and medical conditions, unhealthy sleep habits, specific substances,...

4 Changes That Start Happening When You Practice Kriya Yoga

Yoga is an ancient Indian tradition dating back thousands of years. Even in ancient times, India was a pluralist society which meant that one...

8 Simple Yoga Poses for Asthma Relief

There is no cure for asthma in modern medicine and most medication is just a way to reduce the symptoms of an asthma attack....

5 Tips To Help Delay A Guy’s Orgasm

If you're a guy who's tired of all those times you've finished too soon, worry no more. Try simple tips like the start-stop technique, the squeeze technique, pelvic floor exercises, yoga, and deep breathing to delay your orgasm and last longer in bed. You could also try distracting yourself during sex by pleasuring your partner, having frequent sex, and masturbating before sex.
Yoga Poses To Fix Bad Posture From Desk Job

5 Yoga Poses To Fix Bad Posture From Desk Job

A desk job increases your risk for poor posture. Fortunately, you can fix it with yoga. Start with a basic mountain pose to help you stand correctly. Positions like cobra pose, downward facing dog, and bridge pose will counteract hunching. To strengthen your core, do plank pose. It'll offer awesome support for your spine. However, if you have existing back problems, talk to your doctor first.
Peaceful Yoga Poses For Stress Relief

7 Peaceful Yoga Poses For Stress Relief

Stress is normal, but it can get the best of us. For natural relief, do peaceful yoga moves. The easy pose is a classic meditation move, so it'll get you in the zone. Meanwhile, the cobra pose, extended puppy pose, and wide-legged forward bend will release physical and mental tension. Do the downward dog for a classic full-body stretch. Restorative poses, like child's pose and corpse pose, are perfect when just need a break.

7 Yoga Poses That Can Cause Back Pain And How To Do Them Correctly

Yoga as a practice will help you alleviate many issues in your body, both physical and spiritual. However, it can cause some issues as well, such as back pain. People with pre-existing back problems should avoid poses such as camel, full wheel, boat, spinal twist, and standing and seated forward bend. However, doing these poses incorrectly can actually lead to new back problems. Train under a professional yoga teacher and know what's good for you before starting off a yoga practice.
benefits of nauli yoga and ways to practice it

Benefits Of Nauli Yoga And Ways To Practice It

Nauli yoga is a cleansing process described in yoga. The practice involves isolating and contracting the rectus abdominis muscles so that you create a rolling motion. Nauli is thought to clean internal organs, tone the abdomen, improve the digestive fire, and help with constipation and indigestion. It needs to be taught by an experienced practitioner and is not recommended if you have heart disease, gastrointestinal disorders, or are pregnant.