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Best And Worst Exercises To Do When You Have A Cold

When you're down with a cold, exercising is probably the last thing on your mind. However, in some cases, doing moderate physical activity may...
5 Exercises And Yoga Poses For Your Inner Thighs

5 Exercises And Yoga Poses For Your Inner Thighs

Tone your inner thighs with the clamshell exercise. It strengthens the hips and thighs and is great for the glutes. First position exercise can work the inner thighs, too. Side plank with leg lifts works both the legs at the same time. If yoga is your choice, go for poses like the bridge pose and reverse warrior pose.
Experiencing Uncontrollable Anger Constantly May Begin To Affect Your Quality Of Life, Relationships, And Work

Top Ten Anger Management Tips That Everyone Could Use

Anger is a negative emotion that we experience in response to a situation or person that may be causing us to feel threatened or...

5 Yoga Poses to Ease Pregnancy Pains

Maintaining a good fitness level is of utmost importance during pregnancy. For any expectant mom who looks for low-impact physical exercise, yoga is the...

9 Simple Exercises That Improve Functional Arm Strength

Improving the strength of your arms is very important. Increased arm strength not only enables you to do exercises that require arm strength but also helps you accomplish everyday tasks more easily. Exercises that develop the arm muscles also increase flexibility, balance, and coordination, which in turn reduces the possibility of injuries. Simple exercises that use body weight, bands and dumbbells help in improving arm strength.
How to increase your metabolism.

The Ultimate Guide To Boosting Your Metabolism

To enhance metabolism, don’t skip your meals, especially the breakfast. Instead of opting for fast food, reach for fiber, protein, and complex carbs to increase fullness. Also, focus on stress relief, because stress can reduce metabolic rate. Remember to also make time for what you love! It’s smart to perform yoga or other exercises to boost metabolism by reducing stress. Top it off with strength-training workouts as muscles burn more energy than fat.

9 Simple Ways To Enhance Your Mental Health

Millions of people worldwide are suffering from mental health conditions. Mental health plays an important role in our happiness and in the quality of our lives. In fact, mental health is even more crucial than physical health. Many physiological disorders actually start from the mind. By adopting certain practices such as positive thinking, yoga, and meditation, we can enhance our mental health and overall well-being.

Pregnancy Yoga: Why You Should Try It And How To Get Started

Yoga has enough health benefits for expectant mothers to qualify it as a must-try. Ease back pain with the cat/cow pose, battle sciatica with the extended side angle pose, and strengthen your abdominal muscles with the balancing table pose. The bound angle pose and the goddess pose can help open up your hips and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. If it is relaxation you are after, the triangle pose and corpse pose can slip you into a state of deep restfulness, washing away stress and anxiety.

Sitting At The Desk For Hours Together? Try These Yoga Stretches

There are some Yoga poses you can use to relieve stress in the back caused due to hours of sitting. The Pigeon pose helps stretch the back and hamstrings and also helps deal with sciatica. A full body stretch can loosen all the muscles that are bunched up with tension. The cat pose and Vakrasana help twist the spine in different directions while also relieving tension in the lower back. Finally, the tree pose relieves stress in the upper back and centers you.
exercises to correct dowager's hump

5 Ways To Correct A Growing Dowager’s Hump

The development of a hump at the base of the neck can be seen in an increasing number of people these days. It's usually due to the faulty posture of slouching and leaning forward while sitting this condition develops. Simple tips like maintaining the right posture every time. Practicing neck stretching, chin tucking and wearing a posture correction brace can help too.
Lymphatic congestion can be treated naturally

Simple Ways To Relieve Lymphatic Congestion Naturally

When you have a sore throat and the glands in the neck and under the jaw get swollen, it is often a symptom of...
flexibility and improve your range of motion

3 Great Yoga Stretches To Do After Your Next Walk

While you see many runners stretch before they start running, it actually makes more sense to stretch after your run, walk, or jog. The...

The Secret To Exercising Less And Losing Weight

An aggressive workout might not be a smart choice for weight loss. Moderately jogging 1 to 2 times a week, for a total of 2 hours, has the best effects. Research has found no added benefits to strenuous running! The same goes for weightlifting, which shows results at twice a week. This allows space for rest and recovery. Fill the other days with yoga, a practice that has surprising benefits for weight loss.
helps lubricate the joints)

7 Deeply Relaxing Yoga Poses To Help You Sleep Better

After a long day, the body craves for nothing more than a good night's sleep. Sleep, which should be a natural part of our...

Top 9 Yoga Poses For Runners

There are many reasons why we fall in love with running, including a heightened sense of well-being, freedom, and extra energy. This euphoric sensation,...