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7 Symptoms During Menstruation That Are Not Normal

Symptoms During Menstruation That Are Not Normal

It is hard to talk about our period as women as that is a topic considered taboo. But discussing problems about feminine health is the first step to understanding your body better and making sure that you are completely healthy.

For instance, many women actually do not completely understand the difference between a normal period symptom and a symptom that is abnormal or even a sign of a serious medical issue.


When our bodies operate outside of the norm, it can be embarrassing to discuss these issues – even with medical health professionals. The time for silence ends now, especially if you are exhibiting any of the following 7 symptoms. These period side effects should be brought up to your OBGYN or general physician as soon as possible.

1. Extremely Heavy Bleeding

You have probably heard that the blood you discharge while on your period is about the equivalent of a tablespoon or two. Even if it covers your pad or tampon, it is not a lot of blood, so there is no cause for alarm. For some women this is indeed the case. Others, however, have extremely heavy flow.


There is a significant difference between a heavy flow and extremely heavy bleeding while on your period. If you use more than five pads or tampons a day and they are thick with blood, it is important to talk to your OBGYN about potential hormonal imbalances and health concerns.

[Read More: Reasons Why Your Period Wont Stop]


2. Intense Cramping

Even if many women experience menstrual cramps while on their period, it is definitely not normal. If you are experiencing extremely painful and shooting sensations in your pelvic area while on your period, you should really not ignore those. This kind of pain should be addressed with a medical professional as soon as possible so they can rule out more severe causes.

3. Spotting

Not every woman’s period is regular, and this can sometimes cause confusion among women about how regular their periods should be. Consider that a good cycle is between 28 and 32 days. Less, or more than that, and you should get your hormones checked.


Spotting when not on your scheduled period can be nothing, but it can also be a serious sign that something is not right. So get this checked out.

4. Large Blood Clots

Your menstrual blood should flow easily, and yet some women think that the presence of large clots during their period is normal.


This is not the case – while some clotting may occur, especially overnight during a cycle, large clots are not a part of the average period. These clots can also get stuck inside the uterine opening, causing clogs and other serious illnesses.

You may have fibroids if clots larger than a quarter persist.


5. Severe Lower Back Pain

Back aches during periods are not anything outrageous, but more severe the pain, more unusual the symptom. This sort of pain, accompanied with pain in other regions of the pelvis, can signal a variety of health problems, like endometriosis, cysts, or fibroids.

6. Painful Bowel Movements

There can be a lot of reasons for having severe and painful bowel movements, and many of these are unrelated to your cycle.


If these occur frequently or only during your period, however, you might have endometriosis. It is not unusual to have some pain during bowel movements while on your period, but severe pain could be your uterine lining growing onto your appendix or bowels.

7. Any Major Changes In Your Symptoms

In general, keep in mind two rules of thumb.

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