Magical Ingredients that live in your Kitchen


Powerful protective ingredient found in herb mixes, anointing oils, and baths. Combine ginger, bay leaf, and cinnamon to protect your ability to success and prosper.


Read Also:Which Ginger Recipes Help Treat Common Cold And Flu?

#2.Black Peppercorns

Use in baneful workings when an enemy needs to feel the heat and vamanos! May also be used in harsher compelling workings-like when the insurance company is holding out on you-in the latter case combine with licorice root-which makes a delicious and soothing tea by the way.


Read Also:The Beauty of Black Pepper

#3.Bay Leaf

For victory, triumph, and success. Bay Laurel crowns were awarded to stellar poets and soldiers in Ancient Greece and Rome. They are also a key ingredient in traditionally made Archangel Michael packets and sacred to Archangel Michael.


Read Also:20 Reasons Why Bay Leaf Is More A Herb Than A Spice.


Used for cleansing-this is sometimes referred to as Turkey sage-its not the white sage you find in smudge sticks but it may be burned as a purification rite nonetheless. May be crushed and combined with Solomon Seal Root and Deerstongue leaf to inspire wisdom and eloquence in speech and speaking engagements.


Read Also:Beat Winter Niggles With Healing Sage Tea


An essential ingredient for cleansing herb blends and bath mixes as well as communication blends. Used in road opening work. May be mixed with peppermint, sage, and kosher salt for an on the fly spiritual cleansing bath chock full of good herb magic mojo! Also a key ingredient in Sacred Washes and Sprays.



Read Also:24 Healthy Reasons To Kick-start Your Day With Lemongrass


Encourages peace in the home, hang a few sprigs above the door tied with blue ribbon to foster a sense of serenity and tranquility. Combine in food with lavender, thyme, and garlic for peace and protection, add to charm bags for peace and gentleness, also aids memory and concentration.


Read Also:5 Ways Rosemary Can Improve Your Skin and Health

#7.Kosher Salt

Kosher salt has actually been blessed and may be sprinkled along with cumin seeds around the circumference of your home for blessings and protection. May be mixed with oils and herbs for any number of spiritual baths, may be used to cleanse a room or space when combined with holy water.


#8.Red Pepper

Has a long history of use in herb magic and can banish unfriendly people from your life, “hot foot” unwanted visitors and in the cases of sweeter red peppers like Arbol chiles, a tiny pinch may be added to sluggish love affairs to get the object of your affection to respond/wake up!/contact you. If you are being visited by someone and you want them to leave sooner rather than later dust your broom with a bit of red pepper and sweep it out onto the path they will use to enter your home, calling their name and stating that they need to keep their visit short.


Read Also:Do Chilli Peppers Create Fullness And Help Weight Loss?


Use to sweet people to you, combine with cinnamon for money, use to candy rose petals for love magic, create a lover come, lover stay body scrub by combining one cup sugar, half a cup olive oil (or almond oil if you have it), a handful of dried red or pink rose petals, lavender blossoms, and Cardamom pods-add one cinnamon stick to the jar and voila!


Read Also:Cut Down On Added Sugar To Prevent Diabetes

#10.Vanilla Bean

Fosters sweetness and home sweet home feelings. Stick in your sugar jar for peace and warmth in hearth and home, use in making truffles or ice cream for drawing and fostering love and romance. Another herb magic standby that I consider essential to have at all times.


Read Also:16 Health Facts Of Aromatic Vanilla For Your Mind & Body.