15 Natural Remedies For Alopecia Areata (Hair Loss)

home remedies to treat alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is a disease where your immune system attacks your hair follicles and leads to severe hair loss. As a result, bald/thinning patches appear anywhere on the body, though more prominently on the scalp. While the hair might regrow, the thinning and balding will likely start in another area.

Since the hair loss can be temporary or permanent, it can be a little too risky to not go for treatment. One of the best options for you would be to go for natural treatments and home remedies. So here are 15 natural home remedies proven to help with hair growth and some more you can experiment with.


1. Onion Juice

Applying onion juice to your scalp can improve blood circulation and reduce infections that cause hair loss.

Onions are those wonderful veggies that can make any dish taste that much better! But you’ve more reason than this to stock up on onions in your kitchen – they increase the regrowth of hair in the bald patches in alopecia areata patients! Onions contain a high amount of sulfur and can fight free radical damage. They can improve blood circulation in the scalp and prevent any kind of infections that cause hair loss.1


How to use: Crush an onion to get its juice. Apply this on your scalp. Leave it for about 15 mins and shampoo it off with warm water. Alternatively, rub onion skins on the balding areas. Remember to let your hair dry naturally; do not blow dry.

[Also Read: Benefits of Onion For Hair Growth]


2. Garlic Juice

Garlic contains a high level of sulfur that boosts hair growth and reduces hair fall.
Garlic, just like onions, nourishes your hair while spicing up your dishes. This sulfur-rich veggie is one of the best natural treatments for alopecia. It boosts hair growth and prevents hair fall by increasing collagen production.2

How to use: Crush a few garlic cloves and squeeze to get the juice. Mix this with a few spoons of coconut oil and let it simmer over heat for a few minutes. Take it off the heat, let it cool, apply on your scalp, and massage. Wash it off with cool water after 30 minutes.


3. Lavender Oil

Lavender essential oil strengthens hair follicles and causes hair growth in alopecia areata.

This calming essential oil is frequently used to help people de-stress, reduce anxiety and depression, and improve well-being. But this is not it… the oil is a brilliant home remedy for hair loss in alopecia areata. Studies have shown that essential oil blends that contain lavender strengthen the hair follicles and induce hair growth.


How to use: Mix lavender oil with a carrier oil such as almond or coconut and apply. Alternatively, blend the oil with thyme, cedarwood, and rosemary with carrier oils such as grapeseed and jojoba.3

4. Rosemary Oil

Rosemary essential oil is commonly used in aromatherapy for alopecia areata.


Rosemary is another great essential oil that can treat alopecia areata. One study compared the effectiveness of rosemary in treating alopecia to that of a commonly recommended medicine for the condition, minoxidil. Although both produced equivalent hair growth, rosemary did not cause as much scalp itching as minoxidil did.4 The oil also works well as a part of aromatherapy blends for alopecia areata.5 Plus, while minoxidil disrupts hormonal balance, rosemary has no such side effects.

How to use: Mix rosemary with a carrier oil or make a blend and massage onto the scalp. Alternatively, boil and strain rosemary leaves in water and wash your hair with it.


5. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are especially effective in inducing hair growth in those suffering from androgenetic alopecia.

A synthesis of dihydrotestosterone is one of the causes of hair loss. Fenugreek is a strong blocker of this synthesis, and thus encourages hair growth. This home remedy is especially effective in those suffering from androgenetic alopecia.6 7

How to use: Soak the fenugreek seeds overnight. Grind it with water the next morning and make a paste. Apply this on your scalp, leave it for about half an hour, and shampoo.

6. Green Tea

The polyphenols in green tea strengthen hair follicles, prevent infections, and regenerate healthy cells on the scalp.

Make green tea, drink some of it, and keep some aside for your home treatment for alopecia areata – as simple as that! This is one of the easiest remedies for alopecia areata. Green tea is an antioxidant and contains polyphenols, which strengthen the hair follicles, prevent infections, and regenerate healthy cells on the scalp.8

How to use: Make some green tea and let it cool down. Dip a cotton cloth into it and apply on the scalp. Retain this for an hour and wash off.

7. Chinese Hibiscus


The Chinese hibiscus, or hibiscus rosa-sinensis, is a flowery herbal remedy for alopecia areata, with the potential to boost hair growth and stop hair fall.9 It is also believed to prevent split ends and make your hair look lustrous.

How to use: Mix a few petals of the Chinese hibiscus in dandelion oil. Apply this on your scalp. Wash it off after about 15 minutes.

8. Almond Oil

Almond oil reduces hair fall in alopecia by reducing dandruff and split ends that cause hair loss.

Although there’s not much research to back up just how almond oil can contribute to hair care, this oil is frequently in products that increase hair growth.10 Using almond oil frequently will reduce dandruff and split ends and might consequently stop hair fall in alopecia areata.

How to use: Apply almond oil to your hair, leave it overnight, and shampoo it off with lukewarm water.

9. Honey

Honey is a part of common Ayurvedic home remedies for hair loss, which can help to treat alopecia.

Raw and organic honey is an ingredient all too frequently used in Ayurvedic home remedies for hair fall and for good reason. Honey reduces infections and related hair loss. If used consistently over a longer period, honey can keep hair loss due to alopecia at bay for all your life. It can also be used with some other home remedy ingredients mentioned here as a complementary natural treatment for alopecia.11

How to use: Use honey by itself or mix it with equal quantities of either curd, lemon juice, or onion juice and apply on the scalp. Wash it off after about 15 minutes.

10. Licorice Root

Licorice root can promote healthy hair growth in alopecia, especially in women.

Licorice root, commonly used as a relaxing substance, can also rejuvenate your scalp, get rid of dandruff, and prevent infections that can cause hair loss. All of these can help you in retaining your precious hair and make it healthy when suffering from alopecia. Also, studies on the extracts of licorice root have shown that the root can promote hair growth, especially in women.12

How to use: You can use licorice root for alopecia in multiple ways. One way is to finely powder the licorice root and add it to milk with saffron. Apply this to your scalp and leave it on overnight. Wash it with lukewarm water in the morning.

11. Mustard Oil

In combination or standalone, mustard oil can promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.

A few spoons of mustard oil can keep you baldness due to alopecia at bay! This oil is easily available, boosts hair growth, increases the volume of the hair, and reduces hair loss. It also goes well with other oils such as almond and coconut.

How to use: Boil mustard oil. Crush a few spoons of henna leaves and mix it with the oil. Let it cool, strain it, and apply on your scalp.

12. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are nutritious and stimulate the growth of hair follicles, thus helping treat alopecia areata.

Curry leaves contain a balanced set of nutrients that prevent hair fall, stimulate the regrowth of hair follicles, and help you avoid premature graying. Consequently, it can be a brilliant complementary natural home treatment for alopecia areata.13

How to use: Place 5–6 curry leaves in a small pan with coconut oil. Place this inside a vessel filled with water and heat the water. Once the oil gets heated up, you’ll find a black residue in it. Let this cool and store in an air-tight container. Apply at least twice a week, leave overnight, and wash it off.

13. Ginkgo Biloba

The ginkgo leaf is a herbal remedy for alopecia that increases hair growth.

The ginkgo biloba leaf is a herbal remedy for alopecia that improves circulation in the scalp and creates a healthy atmosphere for hair growth. It is frequently used in aromatherapy for the condition.14

How to use: You can take ginkgo in the form of supplements. Check with your doctor for the correct dosage.

14. Coconut Milk

Coconut milk stimulates the hair follicles, thus increasing hair growth in alopecia.

Coconut milk, an easy home remedy for alopecia areata, is one of the best options for massaging your scalp. Doing so stimulates the hair follicles and increases hair growth.15

How to use: Just grind the coconut shavings and squeeze the milk out of it. Apply this over the scalp and massage gently into the roots. Use a mild shampoo to wash it off after a few minutes.

15. Coconut Oil

Frequent usage of coconut oil for alopecia keeps your hair growing strong and luscious.

Coconut oil is one of the most common ingredients in Ayurvedic formulations, especially for hair loss. Frequent application of coconut oil keeps the hair luscious and healthy when suffering from alopecia. It can even prevent possible damage to the hair when you comb it.16

How to use: Get pure, organic coconut oil, apply it to your hair, and leave it overnight. Wash it off with cool water.

9 Other Recommended Home Remedies For Alopecia

Apart from these 15 home remedies, some more are commonly suggested as a cure for hair fall in alopecia areata. Most of these have no evidence, lack substantial proof, or require further research.

  1. Eggs contain many nutrients, including sulfur, iodine, and protein, which might boost hair growth. Mix egg whites with a spoon of olive oil. Apply this on your hair, leave for about 15 minutes, and shampoo.
  2. Oatmeal is believed to curb hair loss with its omega-3 fatty acid content. Having oatmeal for at least one of your daily meals can provide you with nutrients that might be good for your hair.
  3. Lemon is commonly used to reduce dandruff over a shorter period and hence is believed to induce hair growth in alopecia.
  4. Aloe vera gel is frequently recommended for application on the scalp to treat hair loss.
  5. Citrus fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C might help protect your hair from damage.
  6. Milk thistle, a flowery herb, is said to detoxify the body and prevent hair fall and any damage to the hair.
  7. Cinnamon might have nutritional and anti-dandruff properties that promote hair growth. Make a paste of cinnamon powder with water and apply on the hair.17
  8. Silicon-rich vegetables might improve hair quality and reduce the risk of alopecia. These include cucumbers, potatoes, and peppers, which can be massaged on to the bald patches.
  9. Bananas are believed to reduce hair fall in alopecia patients. You can drink a juice made of bananas, milk, and honey.

Although the root cause of alopecia is your immune system, other factors such as stress and vitamin D deficiency might contribute further to hair loss. So take up activities that will help you de-stress (maybe hobbies and meditation keep you calm), exercise regularly, and soak up on enough of vitamin D. Get out in the sun more often and stay active. Don’t let the hair loss bog you down.
