5 Ways To Handle Rejection Like A Pro


“The best way out is always through.”- Robert Frost

Rejection can be a hard thing to process for anyone. Different people can choose different paths of reactions. Some people can let rejection break them and some people can turn their rejections into a triumphant narrative. Rejections can be a learning experience for people who want to learn from their pain. Strong people get stronger after going through pain. But it is not always an easy road to walk on. The reason why strong people come out of such situations stronger is because of the way they handle it.

1. Acknowledge Your Emotions

Accept your emotions

Strong people acknowledge their emotions. They don’t hide, suppress or ignore them. Recognizing one’s emotions can help an individual in dealing with his/her pain better. Strong people don’t hide away from tough emotions like embarrassment, shame or guilt. They face their feelings to get over them. Facing one’s emotions head-on can help an individual in getting over his/her discomfort in a constructive manner.

Getting rejected from a job, getting passed over for a promotion or being stood up on a date; all of these can take a toll on the emotional health of an individual. But we often prolong our misery by trying to convince ourselves that we are ‘okay’ and that it was no big deal. Acceptance in the face of rejection can be surprisingly liberating. And that is exactly what strong people do. They accept the situation before diving in to make a change for better.

2. Rejections Are The Proofs Of Your Courage

 Rejection is a proof of your courage

Rejections exist to remind us that we took chances in our lives. People who never fail in their lives are the ones who never stepped out their comfort zones to take a chance. Putting yourself out there to take a chance can sometimes leads to rejections. But that rejection means that you are living your life to the best of your capability and not settling for something mediocre.

3. Rejections Don’t Define You

 Rejections don't define you

Mentally strong people don’t let their rejections define them. They rise above their rejections to create their own identity and definitions. If they lose out on a job opportunity, they don’t sit around branding themselves as losers. But they see it as a learning opportunity for their personal growth. Mentally strong people don’t let one rejection in love define their self worth. The ability to see things in correct perspective is one of the biggest signs of mentally strong people. It is important to know that opinions of others matter but that cannot shape your opinion about yourself.

4. Be Compassionate With Yourself

 Be compassionate to yourself

We are often programmed to be compassionate to others when they falter, but we don’t always do that for ourselves. So, it is important to remember that it is okay for us to falter too. So, blaming oneself and saying mean things will not help in recovering from any rejection. So, remain compassionate to yourself. Draw out the negative voice with constant and compassionate reaffirmation. Forgive yourself and let yourself heal with positivity and compassion. Your faith in yourself can restore your broken parts. So, be patient and allow yourself to heal.

5. Let Your Rejections Teach You Life Lessons

 Life lessons

Rejections can give us life lessons, only if we have the ability to learn from them. Mentally strong people learn from their mistakes and rejections, and use those experiences to grow into stronger human beings. They use their bad times as platforms to uplift themselves. We can only build ourselves into stronger people after we have been broken. We can either use our pain and rejections to break us or rebuild ourselves into more evolved beings.

Rejections will always be part of our lives. But how we let that contribute to us in our lives depends on us. You can either let it damage you or you can let it make you stronger. The choice is yours.