8 Things To Avoid When Suffering From Gastritis

Gastritis can be reduced and prevented by avoiding certain foods

Felt a burning sensation in your stomach, usually after eating or drinking something? That probably is gastritis carousing in your tummy. Gastritis is the umbrella term given to conditions arising due to an inflammation of the stomach lining and it can be acute or chronic.

No matter what causes gastritis, one factor remains the same – what you eat. A healthy, balanced diet and a good lifestyle can keep just about every disease at bay. So here we give you 8 entities you need to stay away from to prevent and reduce any kind of gastritis issues.


1. Spicy Foods

Spices aggravate the symptoms of gastritis

Spicy foods might not be the root cause of your gastritis issue, but they can definitely make it worse. In gastritis issues, your stomach is already sensitive and overpowering spices can irritate it much much more. So whether it’s your favorite curry or the mouthwatering pepper chicken, stay away from them all! These include pickles, peppers, chilis, and hot sauces.1


2. High-Fat Foods

Fatty foods can inflame the stomach lining and increase gastritis issues

You might have noticed that eating a lot, at a single stretch, makes you feel really uncomfortable. This is because your digestive system cannot handle that much work. This applies to high-fat foods as well, which might cause the stomach lining to inflame. Studies have even shown that eating fatty foods for as little as 3–4 months can result in gastritis!2


However, there are particular fats, such as monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats (omega-3 fatty acids), that might heal your guts. Food products that contain these fats include peanut butter, seeds, nuts, and olive oil.

3. Coffee And Other Caffeine Drinks

Coffee on empty stomach can trigger gastritis


Most mornings, all you need is a strong cup of coffee to get going. But drinking coffee on an empty stomach, especially late in the day, can actually trigger gastritis. Any caffeine-containing drinks can worsen an already present gastritis issue, (even decaf coffee). This also includes carbonated drinks, which can induce gastritis.

If you have no gastrointestinal issues, reduce the number of cups of coffees you down. Go for green tea instead. Studies show that the tea might lower the risk of gastritis as it is anti-inflammatory and has less caffeine.3 4


4. Alcohol

Excess alcohol can cause gastritis by causing inflammation

Excessive alcohol consumption is the most common cause of gastritis.5 Alcohol contains certain toxins that can irritate your stomach lining and cause inflammation when you drink in excess and constantly. And if the stomach is already inflamed, drinking alcohol will cause it to bleed and lead to more severe conditions like stomach ulcers.6


Moderation is the key because, as per studies, limited drinking might even prevent gastritis by fighting the H. pylori bacteria.7

5. Refined, Processed, And Fried Foods

Refine, processed, and fried foods can trigger gastritis and cause gastric cancer


Refined foods such as white bread and pasta, those that contain sugar, and processed foods with artificial flavorings are potential irritants that can trigger gastritis. Frequent consumption of processed junk foods with red meat can increase the severity enough to cause gastric cancer.8 So, no matter how tempting the food is, eat healthily and at home as much as possible.

6. Dairy Products

Dairy products might aggravate or calm gastritis depending on the individual

High-fat dairy products, such as milk cream, trigger gastric juice secretion, worsening your gastric condition. Some even believe that regular milk, with calcium and proteins, can cause increased acid production. However, it all depends on how your body works.

Try the dairy products in small quantities and see how it works out for you; retain them in your diet if they don’t affect you. Dairy foods such as fermented yogurt (probiotics) can soothe stomach irritation and reduce any gastrointestinal issues.9

7. Smoking

Smoking might increase the risk of gastritis and cause ulcers

Smoking is one of the main lifestyle habits that might worsen gastritis. It is a major risk factor in the development of various stomach-related issues. While studies haven’t yet found a direct relation to gastritis, smoking might slow down the healing of gastric mucosa and lead to stomach ulcers.10

8. Foods You Are Allergic To

Certain vegetables you're allergic to might increase gastritis

If you’ve always had a gastritis issue, certain vegetables might cause irritation and make things worse. Most people complain of a burning pain in the stomach after eating onion, garlic, tomatoes, and potatoes. Observe what veggies you’re allergic to and decide on your diet.
