Fluid Retention And How To Get Rid Of It Naturally

Fluid retention – or edema – can happen to anyone. It develops when excess fluid builds up in tissues, causing swelling and puffiness. And while edema sounds like a disease, it’s actually a symptom!

Thankfully, short-term fluid retention isn’t life-threatening. You can even expect it after getting a minor injury. As for long-term edema? This might point to a bigger, more serious problem.


To stay prepared, learn about the causes, symptoms, and how to naturally treat it.

What Causes Fluid Retention?

Possible causes of fluid retention include sunburn, allergies, infections, and hormonal changes.


The reasons behind fluid retention range in type and severity. Possible causes include:

  • Sunburn 1
  • Sitting or standing for a long time
  • Some mineral or vitamin deficiencies
  • Some medication
  • Hormonal changes (menstruation, pregnancy)
  • Infection or injury (like a bruise)
  • Allergies (food, insects)
  • High sodium intake
  • Exposure to high altitude or heat
  • Lymphedema (blocked lymph channels)
  • Kidney, heart, liver, thyroid disease
  • Brain tumor
  • Head injury 2

Symptoms Of Fluid Retention

  • Swollen limbs
  • Facial puffiness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Coughing up blood
  • Muscle aches, pains
  • Changes in mental state

The legs, ankles, and feet are most commonly affected. Often, swollen limbs show up with pain, redness, and heat.3 Wearing jewelry and clothing may feel tight and uncomfortable.


Gently press on the swelling. If it leaves a dent, fluid retention is at play.4

How To Get Rid Of Fluid Retention

1. Regularly Move Around

Walking around and stretching after long hours of sitting in the sae spot can help prevent fluid buildup.


Do you sit or stand all day at work? Every now and then, walk around and stretch to prevent fluid buildup. The same goes for long flights, concerts, and even bed rest. Staying in one position for too long increases the risk.

2. Massage

 massage from a therapist that has had experience in dealing with swelling and edema can help solve fluid retention.


A massage can help the body re-absorb fluid. Don’t get just any massage, though. Make sure your therapist has experience dealing with swelling and edema.5

3. Elevate Legs

If your bottom half is swollen, placing your legs on a pillow while lying down will re-direct fluid in the other direction.


Is your bottom half swollen? When lying down, place your legs on a pillow or two. This will re-direct fluid in the other direction.

4. Wear Support Stockings

Support stockings, compression bandages or pressure sleeves are non-invasive ways to treat fluid retention


This is another non-invasive, easy treatment for swollen legs. You can find support stockings at any drugstore. In fact, people who stand at work often wear them.

If another body part is swollen, use compression bandages or pressure sleeves.6

5. Decrease Sodium Intake

Since high levels of sodium 'attract' water and causes retention, reducing salt intake is a good way to treat this problem.

Sodium is a mineral that controls fluid balance. High levels ‘attract’ water, which causes retention.7 Cutting back on sodium is a smart choice.

Unfortunately, the average American eats 3,400 milligrams of sodium – almost double the recommended 1,500. About 75 percent comes from processed and packaged food, so try your best to avoid them.8

6. Eat Diuretic Fruits And Vegetables

Diuretic veggies like beets and green beans will make you want to urinate more often, thus helping solve fluid retention.

Eat diuretic veggies like beets, green beans, pumpkin, onion, leeks, garlic, and parsley. Diuretic fruits include grapes, pineapple, and watermelon. The more you pee, the more fluid will leave your body.

If you’re prescribed diuretic drugs, ask your doctor about these foods. They might interact and cause problems.9

7. Remove Food Allergens

Since swelling is a major symptom of food allergies, try and remove all allergy-triggering foods from your diet plan.

Swelling is a major symptom of food allergies. Avoid suspected allergens, and get tested if needed. Always read labels and double check with restaurant servers.

Long-term edema shouldn’t be ignored. It’s a sign of a bigger problem!10 Visit a doctor and let her know when it started, plus any other symptoms.
