Expert Q&A: Lowering Your Cholesterol Naturally

3. What are some lifestyle and diet changes one can make to try to lower cholesterol naturally?   

Reduce and ideally avoid your consumption of sugar, white flour, processed foods, junk foods, vegetable oils, excess grains and trans fats.  *It is critical to avoid added sugar, white flour and trans fats in your diet to reduce inflammation and create a healthy heart.

Include plenty of heart-healthy foods in your diet such as raw nuts and seeds, eggs, avocados, legumes, coconut oil, fatty fish high in omega 3 fats such as wild salmon, high-quality supplements such as fish oil or krill oil and grass-fed beef (high in omega 3 fats).

Add a probiotic (healthy bacteria) found in supplement form or in cultured foods such as kim chee, sauerkraut and natto to create healthy gut flora.  Research shows these healthy bacteria reduce inflammation and may protect against heart disease

Drink green tea.  Green tea contains polyphenols that lower cholesterol and prevents the oxidation of cholesterol that can lead to heart disease.

Lose weight. Even a modest amount of weight loss can lower cholesterol levels.

Exercise most days of the week.  Exercise can help increase HDL (good) cholesterol.

4. Are there supplements one can take to help lower cholesterol?

High-quality Fish Oil supplement that shows it has been purified.  Take 1-3 grams daily.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is powerful in helping to reduce cholesterol, increases natural energy.  This nutrient is particularly important as statins (cholesterol lowering drugs) can create a deficiency of this important antioxidant nutrient.  Take 150 mg. daily.

Vitamin D3.  Have your Vitamin D levels tested.  Ensuring your vitamin D level is optimized will help protect your heart health and many other areas of your health as well.

Garlic.  Garlic is a potent antioxidant that keeps inflammation at bay.  Take 500-1,000 mg. daily

Probiotics.  Add a probiotic (healthy bacteria) found in supplement form or in cultured foods such as kim chee, sauerkraut and natto to create healthy gut flora.  Research shows these healthy bacteria reduce inflammation and may protect against heart disease   Take 1-2 capsules in between meals daily.

The key to creating optimal health is to reduce low-level inflammation. By integrating the above choices, you will be taking a very important step towards super health.