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7 Effective And Simple Exercises For Bigger Hips

Exercise for bigger hips

Being fit and well toned doesn’t have to mean you can’t have well-proportioned hips and retain some of those curves. After all, who doesn’t love to slip into a pair of jeans with a great looking rear view! If you are aiming at bigger hips and a curvy derriere, here are some exercises to get you there.

Before you get going, know that there are two parts to your goal. First, you need to tone up the glute muscles of the buttocks, quadriceps on the front of your thighs, and the hamstrings to the back of your thighs. Second, you can create an illusion of a bigger hipped look with a slimmer waist and well-toned abs and lower back muscles. This trick is great for anyone who just can’t seem to gain weight on their hips or wants to create the impression of having curves without putting on any extra pounds.


So here’s a quick look at the best exercises that can help your cause, starting with the trinity that directly works the muscles around the hips – your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Back that up with exercises that work the surrounding muscle groups and you could well be on your way to that sculpted silhouette!

1. Quadruped Hip Extensions To Engage The Glutes, Hamstrings, And Core


An excellent workout for your gluteus maximus (glutes or muscles of the buttocks) comes in the form of quadruped hip extensions. A study by the American Council on Exercise listed this as the exercise that resulted in highest “muscle activation” in the glutes, helping optimize their performance.1 This move also keeps your abdominal muscles or core engaged and works out your hamstrings.2:

2. Step-Ups To Work Your Glutes


Step-ups also feature in the American Council on Exercise list as one of the most effective exercises for your glutes. Here’s how can do them:3

3. Glute Bridge For Your Hips And Thighs


This exercise helps tone up your buttocks and thighs and strengthens your lower back and pelvic muscles.4 And here is how you do it:5

4. Squats To Engage Your Buttocks, Core, Back, And Thigh Muscles


Squats may not have come out tops in the American Council on Exercise’s study above, but that could change depending on how you do your squats. According to the researchers in the study, if you can dip your thighs lower than the traditional 90 degrees of the squat where thighs are parallel to the ground, you should be able to activate your gluteus maximus muscles more.6 Regardless of this fact, squats are a good addition to your routine to help work your leg muscles as well as back muscles and core.7

5. Supermans For A Super Silhouette


Let yourself have some fun with this workout as you lie face down on a mat in a “flying position” like that man from Krypton. This move is designed to work not just your hips and buttocks but your core, shoulders, and back for an overall toned look.8 Here’s how you can feel like a superhero with this move:9

6. Lunges For Your Quads, Hamstrings, And Glutes


Try using your own body weight for challenging lunges to work your buttocks/glutes, and quadriceps and hamstrings. Here’s what goes into a simple lunge:10

7. Bicycle Crunches To Work Your Obliques And Hips

The bicycle maneuver or crunches done while cycling your legs in the air are among the best things you can do for your core/abdomen, especially the oblique muscles running along the sides of your torso.11 Toning this area up will help you lose that flabby waistline and get that streamlined look to accentuate your hips. It also helps work out your hips. Here’s a quick run-through of the steps involved:

Work this routine into your exercise regimen, aiming at 3 sets about 15–20 repetitions. Keep at it and you should see that well-proportioned hips and hourglass figure materialize soon!


1, 6 Glutes to the Max. American Council on Exercise.
2, 3 ACE Lists Best Butt Exercises – Exclusive ACE Research Announces Most Effective Gluteus Maximus Training. American Council on Exercise.
4 Taylor, Louise. Woman’s Book of Yoga: A Journal for Health and Self-Discovery. Tuttle Publishing, 1993.
5 Glute Bridge. American Council on Exercise.
7 Bodyweight Squat. American Council on Exercise.
8 Exercise Library, No Equipment. American Council on Exercise.
9 Supermans. American Council on Exercise.
10 Beginner Bodyweight Workout. Midwest Public Risk.
11 American Council on Exercise (ACE)-sponsored Study Reveals Best and Worst Abdominal Exercises. American Council on Exercise.
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