Can Apple Cider Vinegar Really Melt Belly Fat?

The tartness of a few drops of crystal-clear amber Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) can elevate any salad or meal with its distinctive bite. And while foodies and chefs have embraced this delightful ingredient, its health benefits are winning it a new wave of followers. Here’s a look at how it can help you lose that jelly belly.

Acetic Acid For Cutting Fat Accumulation

The acetic acid in ACV has been credited with lowering body fat accumulation and suppressing appetite. If you’ve been struggling with your weight, consuming ACV or including it in your diet may help jumpstart your weight-loss efforts. It can also rev up your metabolism, allowing the body to burn fat faster. Some believe that ACV interferes with starch digestion, preventing those additional calories from entering your bloodstream. Animal studies in this direction have shown promise, but more investigation is needed in human studies to see how extensive a role ACV can play.1


Sense Of Satiety

One study tested the effects of supplementing a meal of white bread with some vinegar. This increased the feeling of satiety and lowered the glycemic effect of the meal. When you feel full for longer, you eat less. And the less you eat, the less fat, including belly fat, you gain.2

Improve Insulin Sensitivity

The antiglycemic effect of this vinegar also means that for those who struggle with diabetes and insulin resistance related obesity or cardiovascular problems, there is hope. ACV also improves insulin sensitivity if you have type-2 diabetes. It does this by preventing the complex carbohydrates you eat from being completely digested, through an increased glucose uptake by tissues. This results in lower blood glucose levels overall. By lowering blood sugar in the body and getting diabetes under control, you set yourself on the path to weight loss.3


Attack That Visceral Fat

While having ACV in your diet can be good, some studies endorse the benefits of consuming a tablespoonful with water daily. One study found that this regimen helped test subjects reduce their body weight and BMI. A notable difference in waist circumference and visceral fat was found after just 12 weeks. However, experts caution that ACV alone cannot work miracles. It is, however, a good weight-loss aid.4

Cholesterol Lowering Effects

Spot reduction may not always be a realistic goal. Keeping your body fit overall is a better way to go. And at the center of it all is your heart health. The antioxidant polyphenol chlorogenic acid in ACV is said to help improve heart health and help you stave off cardiovascular problems by preventing LDL cholesterol from being oxidized.5


Improve Digestion

Having some ACV before you eat a meal can improve digestion and the assimilation of nutrients in the body. However, do remember that results will vary from person to person. ACV acts by stimulating your digestive juices and getting the process of breaking down your food started. Try sipping a third of a teaspoon of ACV but without swallowing. Retain it in your mouth and swirl it around for a full minute and then swallow.6

Detox Your Body

Toxin accumulation in the body can cause your systems to function less than optimally and add to the weight of the belly fat problem. ACV has acids that bind to toxins in the body so that they can be released. In fact, some even advocate the use of ACV in a hot bath along with Epsom salts for driving your lymphatic system to expel toxins.7

