Daily Essential Oils: A Guide On How To Use Them

Daily Essential Oils: How To Use

My wife and I have used essential oils for years, however, I’m a late bloomer compared to Mama Z, who has been using these natural solutions ever since she was a teen! We’ve tried many brands and have become leaders in this industry as my articles, books, and conference presentations have grown in popularity.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a veteran seeking new tips or a beginner who just wants to start using oils, let’s talk about my daily essential oils user guide that you can use today!


Do’s and Don’ts

I would first like to discuss some “housekeeping” items before anything else. Here are some do’s and don’ts.

1. Daily Do’s

Daily Essential Oils: Daily Do's


1. Use essential oils aromatically in spritzers, inhalers, diffusers, and other fun ways.
2. Add essential oils to your daily body care regimen.
3. Learn the basics first.
4. Try a drop of lemon or orange oil in a 32-ounce glass liter of sparkling water with liquid stevia as a special treat!
5. Be energized by using essential oils and other natural therapies for a life-changing experience and enjoy the journey while learning about them!

2. Daily Don’ts

Daily Essential Oils: Daily Don'ts


1. Don’t consume essential oils for prevention, this is wasteful and very dangerous. Consuming a preventative drop of essential oil daily may cause you to develop acid reflux. It doesn’t matter how pure or therapeutic they are, daily consumption is not an effective way to use them. It has taken me 3 years of trial-and-error and hundreds of research hours to get this revelation.

2. Essential oils have changed my life so much. I have devoted much of my personal and professional life to sharing the message that they are truly God’s medicine. I’ve been blessed to be featured in countless health summits, conferences, and documentaries. Yet, let’s remember, just like anything else, essential oils are limited by what they can do and we should not conclude that they can cure anything.


Daily Practices

1. Aromatherapy

Daily Practices With Essesntial Oils: Aromatherapy

When people say that essential oils have been used for thousands of years, they’re referring to aromatherapy, where tribal cultures burned plants to make incense for spiritual and medicinal purposes.


Throw away glade plug-ins and wall flowers! They emit toxic chemicals that are linked to neurotoxicity and cancer, which is why we need diffusers running every day. These will keep your house refreshed. The aromas of essential oils have medicinal properties.

Research studies have linked inhaling diffused lavender essential oil to:

  • Decreased oxidative stress.
  • Reduced postnatal depression and anxiety.
  • Improved mood for people suffering from PTSD.
  • Enhanced sleep and decreased moodiness.
  • Increased overall health status.
  • Prevented allergic reactions.

Lavender essential oil helps speed up the healing of wounds, just apply directly to cuts and burns. I have sensitive skin and have the tendency to nick myself when I shave. Whenever this happens, I just put a drop of diluted lavender on the area and the bleeding usually stops immediately.

  • For burns or eczema, mix lavender with coconut oil in a 1:5 ratio to speed up the healing process.
  • For sunburn or dry skin, add 5 drops of lavender to 1 ounce of fresh frozen aloe, aloe vera gel, or coconut oil.

2. Body Care

Daily Practices With Essesntial Oils: Body Care


Topical essential oil application is a must for anyone who wants to experience abundant life health and wellness.

  • Essential oils can seep into the bloodstream after being applied to the skin and will completely metabolize within hours. Your body will benefit from the healing chemical compounds in the oils, which gives you more control of your body.
  • Apply topically to receive aromatic benefits as the volatile organic compounds reach your nose.

We normally try to DIY as much as we can and include essential oils in everything in our household and we usually get asked why we smell so good. This may be because we’re using aromatic compounds in our body care products.

Americans incessantly are enticed by intoxicating aromas, flashy packaging, and false promises from regular beauty products. Consider asking what is the real cost of these products to our health? You may be thinking to yourself. “Well, nothing. I don’t eat them, I just put them on my skin!”

This may be true, but did you know your skin is the largest organ in the body? Anything you apply on your skin will seep into your body, think about all the chemicals and the long-term effects of these.

Not-So-Daily Practices

1. Oil Pulling

No So Daily Practices With Essesntial Oils: Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is easy and anyone can do it, all you need is essential oils and a carrier oil such as olive, coconut, or sesame. This is most effective for anyone who wants immediate results! However, it’s still not recommended to do this every single day.

Oil pulling works by detoxifying your oral cavity, it pulls the toxins out of your mouth, and creates an antiseptic oral environment. This also helps prevent cavities and diseases when done. In India, oil pulling has been used for many years to treat diseases such as headaches, tooth decays, diabetes, and asthma.

To detox and keep your teeth bright and shining, mix essential oils with unrefined organic coconut oil or any other carrier. Here are some useful tips:

  • The best time to oil pull and detoxify is in the morning, right after you get out of bed.
  • Just swish between 1–2 tablespoons of coconut or sesame oil with a drop of an essential oil in your mouth for 10–20 minutes.
  • No worries, you won’t really notice 20 minutes if you do this along with your other morning routine (i.e. while showering, putting clothes on, and prepping for the day).
  • Make sure not to spit the mixture into your sink, otherwise, the coconut oil might harden and clog your pipes.
  • Spit it out into the trash.
  • Immediately rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • Use salt water for additional antimicrobial properties.
  • Don’t be shocked if you spit out milky white or yellow saliva/oil.
  • Finally, brush your teeth as normal.

This is a relaxing procedure, so don’t think that you need to move your mouth the entire time. You’ll definitely wear out your jaw muscles, so simply move the oil around your mouth and through your teeth without swallowing.

Oil Pulling & EO Applications

I recommend oil pulling no more than 3–4 times a week.

  • Add 1 drop of clove, lemon, or orange essential oil with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • If you’re battling an infection, change the solution and use 1 drop of an immunity blend as a holistic remedy.

Oral Care

Additionally, try using essential oils in addition to or instead of your toothpaste. One drop of clove, peppermint, or orange essential oil on your toothbrush will boost your fluoride-free toothpaste. If you want to make your own remineralizing toothpaste, combine Himalayan pink sea salt, baking soda, unrefined coconut oil, and essential oils. Here some of our favorite combinations:

  • Citrus oils like orange, grapefruit, and lemon.
  • Peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree.
  • Clove, orange, and peppermint.

2. Morning Immune Booster

Not So Daily Practices With Essesntial Oils: Morning Immune Booster

Frankincense is the most potent medicinal essential oil, and studies suggest that it can kill cancer. It also helps health and vitality in non-cancerous cells through a process called cell selectivity. However, before you drink a bottle of frankincense, it’s best to put things into perspective and remember studies are in vitro. We still have to be patient and it may take time until doctors prescribe it to us as a cancer treatment.

In addition to this, there are still other oils that can boost antioxidant levels and clove is at the top of the list. I like making immunity blends that include a drop of these oils: cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, lemon, orange, and rosemary.

To prevent sickness during flu season and boost your immune system, try my immune boosting shot 2–3 times per week at the onset of a cold.


  • 1 packet Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C
  • 1 teaspoon raw honey
  • 1 teaspoon unrefined coconut oil
  • 1–2 drops immune-boost blend essential oils (Equal parts cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, rosemary, orange, and lemon essential oils.)
  • ¼ teaspoon organic pumpkin pie spice
  • Tiny pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt


  • Mix in a glass bowl and take twice daily at the beginning of a cold, or once per day for prevention.
  • Wash down with pure, filtered water.
  • Make sure not to use for more than two weeks at a time.

Recipe Notes

This can be enjoyed straight or with a little water to wash it down. Don’t add this mixture to hot tea, because this will kill enzymes in the honey and can alter the composition of the essential oils and vitamin C. If you want to add this to your tea, make sure it is cool.

Safety Notes

1. Don’t take this mixture daily or for more than two weeks. Consider switching up the protocol with a non-essential oil based product.

2. Do not consume essential oils regularly, for prevention. It may end up causing damage to your body instead. I was so enthusiastic about using them, and I used to take a couple drops every day. Shortly after, I ended up with a mild case of acid reflux and irritated my esophagus!

Remember: The Key Is Quality NOT Quantity!

Remember, not all essential oils are created equal. Many in the market are worthless to your health because they are over processed. When buying essential oils, make sure they are a therapeutic grade and take note of those that are food grade compared to cosmetic grade. Personally, if I wouldn’t swallow it, I wouldn’t put it on my skin.

We’ve talked about all the steps you need to take when choosing an essential oil brand, so don’t worry about making a wrong decision. I got ya covered!

What do you think? Are you ready to get started with using essential oils?

Interested to find out more? Click on the link below to learn how to effectively use essential oils