Couple Massage Dos And Don’ts

It feels so good to get a massage by someone who cares about you, doesn’t it? Couple massage, where you massage each other with your partner, offers various benefits as I described in my article, Couple Massage To Strengthen The Bond

Couple massage dos and don’ts to keep in mind when you give each other a massage.


Couple Massage Dos

1. Communicate Clearly To Your Partner

Unless your partner happens to be psychic, I bet your partner needs to know what you want through a clear communication. It is very important to let your partner know if you want a lighter or deeper pressure, faster or slower stroke, or specific location using right, left, up, down, etc.

Your clear communication helps your partner give you what you want. Remember to be nice in how you convey your wishes because your partner is doing you a favor.


If you are giving a massage, create a safe space for your partner to freely speak up to communicate their wishes.

2. Give Your Partner What He/She Wants

In couple massage, instead of giving what you think your partner wants or needs, clear your mind and listen to your partner for what he or she actually wants.


If you find a super tight big knot on your partner’s shoulder, you may be tempted to use lots of force to eliminate it. Sure it’s nice to get rid of the knot but never use too much force if it hurts your partner. A big tight knot wasn’t created in a day and probably won’t go away easily anyway. If your partner wants you to rub it nice and soft, do so as they wish.

If your partner wants a neck massage, give a neck massage and not a foot massage. Of course, it’s always a nice gesture to go above and beyond and give a foot massage in addition to the neck massage but again, only if that’s what your partner wants.


3. Acknowledge Your Partner

If your partner hits a sweet spot on your tight muscle with the right pressure, let your partner know they got it. Always acknowledge your partner if something feels good during the massage. It can be “Aww that feels so good …” or “That’s amazing …” You don’t have to lie about it but little exaggeration is recommended rather than just saying “It’s ok.”

The positive reinforcement will motivate the generous massage giver to do more of a good job. And don’t forget to say “Thank you” after the massage.


Couple Massage Don’ts

1. Medical Conditions

Do not massage if your partner has conditions such as:Fever, swelling, open wounds, cuts, bruises, broken bone, varicose veins, recent surgery, extremely high blood pressure, infections, etc … If you have any medical conditions or health issues, check with your medical doctor if it’s ok to receive massage.

Fever, swelling, open wounds, cuts, bruises, broken bone, varicose veins, recent surgery, extremely high blood pressure, infections, etc … If you have any medical conditions or health issues, check with your medical doctor if it’s ok to receive massage.


There are massage therapists that specialize in certain medical conditions such as pregnancy, cancer, geriatric, and lymphedema. Consult those specialists to see if there is anything you can do to provide a relief for your loved one at home.

2. Stop Immediately If There Is Pain

While giving or receiving a massage, if you or your partner has any pain, stop your action immediately. Relaxation massage should be relaxing and shouldn’t be approached with “no pain, no gain” mentality.


Those who like hard pressure will most likely enjoy the “hurts good” feeling but it still should not hurt them to the point where they must say “Ouch!” and tighten their body.

You do not want to hurt yourself either trying to give a good massage. It’s just not worth it. Don’t over-exert yourself or compromise your body mechanics. If you feel something shaking or burning in your body, stop and do something else because you will not last for a long time and you will most likely dread giving massage again.

3. Never Tickle Your Partner

The whole idea is to give your partner a relaxing environment to enjoy your massage. Once you tickle your partner when it’s unexpected, your partner will be on guard and will not enjoy your massage. (Unless of course, they love to be tickled.)

There are many other tips for couple massage but keep these basic dos and don’ts in mind when you give and receive a massage with your partner.