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How To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship: Moving On After Betrayal

If you have violated trust in a relationship, it is important to accept responsibility, apologize, be sincere and consistent, and reconfirm your commitment to the relationship. You also need to back your words with action, show your partner empathy and understanding, give them time to heal, and accept new limits and rules. If your trust has been violated, seek to forgive and try not to humiliate your partner.

Cooking Your Own Meals: The Key To Staying Healthy

In today's sedentary way of life, falling sick has become very common around the world. Most of us, undoubtedly, want to lead a healthy life. Do...

Smoke Vs. Vape: Know The Facts

Electronic cigarettes hit the market in 2007 and have increased in popularity ever since, largely because people think that they are safer than smoking...

A Simple Guide To Be A Great Modern-Day Father

Fathers are just as much responsible for their children as mothers are nowadays. Hence, it means that men have to juggle both their professional...

Would ‘Traffic Light’ Labeling On Food Help Us Eat Healthier?

When you walk into a supermarket, you’re confronted by innumerable choices. Bags of candy, fresh produce, pastries and beverages line each aisle of the...

7 Necessary Elements For Having A Beautiful Blended Family

One in every three individuals is part of a step-family. According to the available statistics, 30% of the world’s children are growing up in...

Why Does Your Baby Fall Asleep While Breastfeeding?

Babies typically tend to fall asleep at the breast when they’re satiated. Sometimes, this can also happen when your baby has not latched on properly. If you experience pain during nursing, that’s another sign of an improper latch. Babies who were born with a low birth weight may also be sleepier during feedings. As long as your baby is steadily gaining weight and passing stool and urine normally, there's no reason to worry.

Health Benefits Of Laughter: Laugh Away Your Troubles!

Laughter combats stress, pain, and depression by reducing cortisol levels and releasing feel-good hormone endorphins. It boosts immunity and cardiovascular health and helps control blood pressure. This natural aerobic exercise can burn about 10 to 40 calories per 15-minute session and contributes to overall wellness and health. Try out laughter yoga - the systematic practice of incorporating laughter into daily life.

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