How can I get enough vitamin B12 if I don’t eat meat?

How can I get enough vitamin B12 if I don’t eat meat?
How can I get enough vitamin B12 if I don’t eat meat?

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Curejoy Expert James Dudley Explains:

Animal foods are the primary sources of Vitamin B12 and hence strict vegetarians (vegans)- those who avoid meat, poultry, fish and dairy products – can find themselves deficient in this vital vitamin. The best way to protect yourself is to know the benefits & facts about Vitamin B12, and make sure that you’re getting enough of it.


Vitamin B12, or Cobalamin, is critical for a healthy central nervous system, creating new blood cells and DNA. Left untreated B12 deficiency can result in severe, permanent neurological damage. Vegan mothers are recommended supplementary B12 intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since infants are not born with B12 reserves and a B12 deficiency can be immediate and devastating.

Good vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12 include dairy (milk, yogurt, cheese), eggs, fortified cereals, fortified milk substitutes (with calcium and vitamin D), fortified meat substitutes, and nutritional yeast.


It shouldn’t be difficult for vegetarians, including vegans, to get the Vit B12 RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) for adults. Besides fortified vegan foods, B12 supplements are another inexpensive and effective source of consuming the vitamin and beneficial for all age groups.

People (including non vegetarians), who can’t absorb Vitamin B12 from food sources due to various medical factors related to digestion, should try B12 supplements in crystalline form (sublingual supplements) since they enter the blood stream directly, bypassing the whole digestive process involved in separating B12 from food.
