Health Benefits Of Cow Urine: Does It Really Work?

Just when you think you’ve heard it all, along comes a strange new elixir for better health – cow urine! That’s right, what we think of as a wasteful byproduct of bodily functions may actually be a wonder drug. The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda places a lot of faith in cow urine or gomutra.1 It is often mixed with substances like milk, pepper, clarified butter, and yogurt depending on the ailment being treated. Indian scientists even received a US patent in 2002 for the use of cow urine as a bioenhancer.

What Does Cow Urine Contain?

Urine, one would think, contains only toxic substances but cow’s urine begs to differ! Fresh cow urine is essentially 95% water, 2.5% urea and a 2.5% mix of minerals, salts, hormones, and enzymes. The benefits accrue from the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of cow’s urine and its distillates. An antioxidant prevents other chemicals from combining with oxygen and forming free radicals. Free radicals can have a damaging impact on living cells and are thought to pave the way for cancer, diabetes, and even aging. Studies show that the antimicrobial property of fresh cow urine is comparable to ofloxacin – a synthetic antibiotic prescribed regularly for treating bacterial infections.2


Cow Urine In Action

Thanks to its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, cow urine is an excellent antibiotic that can be taken daily to destroy pathogens and increase one’s immunity. It is therefore recommended as a therapeutic solution for curing an array of diseases, ranging from respiratory disorders to diabetes, skin problems, heart ailments, and gynecological issues such as dysmenorrhea.3

  • It is highly effective as an anti-fungal for skin rashes and infections.4
  • Herbal preparations made using cow’s urine instead of water have shown increased anti-diabetic activity in rats.5
  • Cow urine is used in combination with other natural adjuvants such as curd, pepper, triphala, neem bark, and loh bhasma to treat conditions such as fever, epilepsy, and anemia.6

Having cow urine regularly is even recommended under normal health conditions as it helps to maintain bodily balance and counter aging, tension, liver ailments, and cholesterol. Each of its components has a role to play – immunity is boosted by the component aurum hydroxide; ammonia keeps the blood purified; the copper and calcium content protects the bones; and the high nitrogen content keeps the kidneys and liver healthy.7


Cow Urine For Cancer Relief?

Apart from improving general heath and immunity levels, cow urine is proving to be a cancer fighter too. By preventing free-radical formation, it indirectly promotes the repair of damaged cells and DNA, making it effective for cancer treatment.8

A study in India focused on the efficacy of cow urine treatment in cancer patients. Subjects with throat, breast, or cervical cancer showed significant improvement in the intensity of their symptoms after 2‒3 months of cow urine therapy. In the survey administered, symptoms like pain, burning, irritation showed a swing from 82% intensity to 7.9%!9


Healing Touch

Traditional Ayurvedic healers create and prescribe topical pastes and tonics that use herbs and fresh cow urine. Remember, cow urine is also patented as a bio-enhancer, particularly for its use with antibiotics, helping control bacterial infection and fight cancers. As a bio-enhancer, when combined with a drug or active molecule, it improves its activity and availability. It also helps to reduce the dosage required of a drug or antibiotic, thus making it more cost effective. And a smaller dosage means fewer side effects from commonly used antibiotics and anti-fungal and anti-cancer drugs.10

Cow urine can be an effective, eco-friendly, and low-cost alternative treatment for the masses. So look past the fact that it is urine and reach out for this highly potent healing agent when needed!

