
Khabir Southwick

Khabir Southwick is a professional health consultant, Ayurvedic and Naturopathic practitioner, whole-foods nutritionist, master herbalist and formulator, public speaker on natural self-care and author of numerous natural health-care programs.

Ayurvedic Natural Oral Care For Healthy Teeth And Gums

Scrape your tongue to remove mucus till pink and clean. Post meals, gently brush your teeth with a mix of turmeric, cinnamon and neem powders. Rinse with a mix of Himalayan salt, baking soda, tea tree oil and clove oil. Use organic sesame oil for oil pulling. This prevents bacterial growth, cavity infections, gum inflammation, and mucus buildup in the mouth.

Healthy Food For A Healthy Heart

The fact remains; heart disease continues to be the number one cause of death in the United States. The American diet that concentrates on...

Understanding Inflammation -The Ayurvedic Perspective.

Inflammation - The Root of Dis-ease Today, we know that inflammation is the root of many chronic health conditions ranging from heart disease and diabetes...

The Ayurvedic Approach To Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Ayurveda treats every case of chronic fatigue based upon the individual body-type (prakruti/vikruti) imbalance. The important issue behind most cases of chronic fatigue is...

8 Reasons Why You Must Take Supplements

1. Food irradiation Food irradiation is a food processing technique to extend the shelf life of food by destruction of harmful microorganisms and delay of...

Probiotics: What they are and how to take them?

If you’re not familiar with probiotics, probiotics are cultures of “good bacteria”.  Your gut contains a combination of both good and bad bacteria. Probiotics...

Why Is Cleansing Of The Liver So Vital To Our Well Being?

Q. Thanks for joining us Khabir.  For the benefit of our readers can you share your credentials as an Ayurveda expert and a brief...

Healthy Teeth and Gums from the Inside Out : Natural Oral Care

Since ancient times, Mother Nature has provided the healing power to care for your body, mind and even mouth.  For thousands of years, Ayurvedic...

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