
Elyssa Blissenbach

Elyssa Blissenbach, M.D., is a Board Certified Internist who has practiced medicine for more than 15 years. She is the founder of Blissful Wellness, a medically supervised weight loss clinic within her practice to help patients safely lose weight. She also offers low-carbohydrate food products online at LowCarbCabana.com.

4 Simple Tips To Effectively Lose Weight On A Paleo Diet

A Paleo-style diet can be a great way to lose fat and get healthy. Don't restrict calories, restrict carbs. Eat simple but whole foods. Stick with basics like eating a protein such as beef or fish and whole-food carbs from green, leafy vegetables and fruit. Include walking, light jogging, light weight lifting. Partner with someone to keep you on track and achieve your goals.

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