
Audrey Sourroubille Arnold

I'm Audrey and I'm the founder of http://www.lotuspowerhealth.com, where I help women awaken their inner wisdom and wellness through hormone rebalancing, nutritional tweaks, and lifestyle shifts. If you or someone you know struggles with infertility, hormonal imbalances, pelvic pain (e.g. due to endometriosis), or general exhaustion, I'd love to connect and share with you my simple strategies for restoring balance in your body, and awakening your wellness wisdom. And, if you're wondering how my approach can change your life, check out my free Wellness Wisdom for Women eCourse at http://www.lotuspowerhealth.com/wp/wellness-wisdom-for-women.

5 Superfoods For Endometriosis

Studies suggest that regular consumption of foods high in vit C (bell peppers) and resveratrol (blueberries, red grapes) can help reduce the size, volume of endometrial cysts, thus relieving you of pain. Additionally, foods rich in omega 3s (salmon), iron (spinach), fiber (flaxseeds) can help detoxify excess estrogen out of the body and counter inflammation.

7 Lifestyle Habits That Heal From Endometriosis

Slash caffeine, sugar, alcohol, red meat from your diet; instead include more of organic fruits and veggies, probiotics that are anti-estrogenic in nature. Try using emotional freedom technique and/or a restorative meditation practice to rewire your emotional and physical health. Prioritize self-care and rest to boost immunity and encourage tissue repair and regeneration.

6 All-Natural Ways To Beat Pregnancy Fatigue

If you are feeling more tired than usual during your pregnancy, it is not hard to figure out one of the reasons why. Your...

Pregnancy Nutrition 101

Healthy prenatal eating, good nutrition is vital if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Eat at least 5 portions of deep-hued fruits, veggies (think berries, kale, spinach!) daily. Choose wholegrain foods, dairy products like whole milk, yogurt, cheese, and organic farm-raised meat, wild fish to get your daily doze of essential nutrients. Cut back on gluten, sugary foods.

Working PMS And Menstruation To Your Advantage

PMS and menstruation are something almost all women struggle with every month. Try these tips to look at it positively and use it your advantage.

Tips To Manage Endometriosis Pain

Endometriosis results in a mild irritant to almost immobilizing pains. Consider these tried and tested natural methods to manage the pain.

Understanding The Causes Of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a common condition in most women worldwide. The resulting pain varies in every woman. But a major difficulty in treating this condition lies in not being able to figure out the root cause of endometriosis. Read on to understand the probable causes and how it can help in the treatment.

Dieting Tips For Hormonal Imbalance

There are multiple causes for hormonal imbalance. But the easiest way to avoid and regulate hormones is through a controlled diet. Follow these simple tips to avoid/control hormonal imbalance.

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