An Apple A Day Keeps Diabetes At Bay

We all know that an apple a day, keeps the doctor away! But, what if we say that your favorite fruit can help in diabetes prevention? Yes, you heard it right! Eating plenty of whole fruits, especially apples is significantly associated with a lower risk of contracting type 2 diabetes, as per a new study that was led by Harvard School of Public Health scholars.

A Study On Apples And Diabetes

A very detailed study was conducted by Harvard School to look at the effects of different types of fruits and apples in particular on diabetes risk.
Professor Qi Sun, who headed the study quoted that while consumption of fruits such as apples are highly recommended for preventing diabetes, earlier studies have shown mixed results on total fruit consumption.


Researchers looked at data based on the fruit consumption of over a whopping 187,000 people that was gathered over the year span of 1984 and 2008. Over twelve thousand of these subjects are said to have contracted diabetes during this study period. The scholars then looked at the overall fruit consumption of these subjects as well as individual fruit consumptions.

The fruits that were consumed over the period included grapes, peaches, apples, plums, prunes, apricots, pears, bananas, cantaloupe melon, strawberries and blueberries.


The study also went in detail and looked at the consumption of apples in specific.

People who eat at least two servings of whole fruits such as apples a week reduce their risk of contracting diabetes by a whopping 23% when compared to those who eat less than a serving a month.


As per their study, they claim that consuming juices of the same whole fruits increases the risk of contracting diabetes. It is the high glycemic index of fruit juices that tend to pass through the digestive system a lot more quickly than fiber-rich fruits that explain and throw light on the positive link between regular juice consumption and increased risk of diabetes.

The research scholars strongly opine that the beneficial effects of fruits such as apples and grapes could be the result of a particular component contained in them.


For example, studies in the past have linked anthocyanins found in fruits such as berries and grapes to lower heart attack risk. However, a lot more research is necessary to determine which components in apples and other fruits influence diabetes risk.

Low Glycemic Index

It is interesting to note that the fruit’s glycemic index is just at 38, making it an ideal fruit for those who are diabetic. Glycemic index is a measure of how carbs boost blood sugar, and those who are diabetic or at risk of developing the condition will benefit from eating low glycemic food such as apples.


While apples can be safely used in diabetes treatment1 owing to its low glycemic index, it is also noteworthy to mention that the fruit contains soluble fiber and pectin that help regulating blood sugar levels and improves bowel function while also having an anti-inflammatory effect.

Obesity, Diabetes And Apples

Including more fruits in your diet is the very first step towards maintaining an ideal body weight and diabetes prevention. This is because fruits are chock full of antioxidants and beneficial compounds that offer a number of health benefits. One fruit in particular – apple (no points for guessing!) can be especially helpful in preventing diabetes and losing weight!


Researchers of the University of Iowa recently conducted a detailed study on apples, ready and expecting to find beneficial effects on diabetes and obesity risk. However, to their pleasant surprise they found many other health benefits as well.

Apples contain ursolic acid in their peels that have a positive effect in increasing muscle mass and strength. It was found that ursolic acid not only converted calories into muscle, but also into brown fat, which is a valuable asset in fighting obesity. Brown fat also helps absorb and burn glucose in the blood—thereby works like a charm for those who have trouble in regulating blood sugar.


These novel findings are bound to be taken into consideration and facilitate diabetes prevention in the years to follow.
