8 Vegetables That You Can Regrow Again. And Again. And Again. And Again

If you do the grocery shopping for your household, you will agree that food is expensive. Food is easily the highest costs related to your family and home. Imagine if you could have an unlimited supply of your family’s favorite produce at home – for free! Here is a list of 10 foods that can regrow again, and again, and again…

Lettuce: Vegetables like Bok Choy, lettuce, and cabbage are easy to grow. Don’t throw those leftover leaves. Place them in a bowl with little water in the bottom, and keep it somewhere where it gets a good amount of sunlight. Leave it four to five days, and you will notice roots and leaves beginning to appear. Plant them in soil and let them grow. Don’t forget to water them regularly.



Cut off the base of your celery. Lay it in a bowl with warm water in the bottom. Keep the bowl in a place where it gets direct sunlight as long as possible every day. In a week, you will see its roots and leaves growing. Plant your celery in the soil, and water them regularly.



Growing lemongrass is not as difficult as finding them in a supermarket. Lemongrass grows like regular grass. Place the leftover root in a glass bowl or a jar filled enough with water, and leave it in the sunlight. You will notice new growth in a week. Plant your lemongrass in a pot, and water them regularly.

3.Bean Sprouts


Growing them is the easiest job ever. Soak a tablespoon of beans in a bowl with shallow water, and leave it overnight. Drain the water in the morning, and put the beans back in the container. Cover the bowl with a towel overnight, and rinse them in the morning. Keep repeating this procedure until you notice a desirable growth of sprouts from the beans.



Wash some avocado seeds. Fill a bowl with water; use toothpicks to suspend the avocados over the water. The water should cover the bottom inch of each seed. Keep the container in a warm place, and keep checking the water. Add more as needed. It takes four to six months for the seed to germinate, and the roots and stems to appear. Once the stem reaches about 6 inches, cut it to shorten it to 3 inches. Plant the seed into soil once leaves start appearing. Remember to leave half of it above the soil.



Potatoes can be grown from potato peelings. All you need is that the peelings have eyes on them. Cut those peels into two inch pieces, making sure that each slice has two or three eyes. Keep them aside overnight to dry, and plant them four inches deep into the soil, keeping the eyes facing up. It will take a few weeks for the potato plant to grow.



Plant a spare piece of ginger root in potting soil, making sure that the buds are facing up. The roots and shoots will start growing in a week. You can pull it up, use the ginger, and repeat this procedure for an unlimited supply of ginger.



Who said you need to live in topics to grow your own pineapple! Cut the top off, and insert few toothpicks to hold it above a container filled with water. Keep the container in direct sunlight for a week until you see roots growing out of the pineapple top. Plant it in the soil in a cooler area. You can also grow them indoors.



A really easy to grow vegetable, you can grow garlic from just one clove. Put one clove of garlic into the soil with its root facing down. Garlic needs a plenty of sunlight to grow. Keep it outside during the day. You will notice new shoots growing. Cut the shoots, and your plant will produce a bulb, which you can use later to plant again.

Reference: http://www.diyncrafts.com/4732/repurpose/25-foods-can-re-grow-kitchen-scraps/2
