7 Ways To Manage Stress Effectively

7 Ways To Manage Stress Effectively

With day-to-day’s hassles, stress has become a common part of life. Stress is our natural reaction to stimuli or stressors. Although it is often viewed as something unpleasant, stress is actually our body’s way of protecting us. Our stress response gives us the strength and energy to face challenges and emergency situations. Without stress, life is boring and dull. But beyond a certain point, it takes a toll on health and life in general. Poorly managed stress can lead to fatigue, obesity, heart disease and serious health problems. More so, it can interfere with daily activities, work and personal relationships. Hence, it is important to learn how to cope with stress and keep it under control.

The source of stress and response to it is different from one individual to another. Knowing what makes you stressed and how you react to it can help you determine which stress reduction techniques are right for you. After all, there is no universally effective stress remedy for everyone.


7 Ways To Cope With Stress:

1. Keep your life organized: Work, personal activities and family responsibilities can sometimes be overwhelming, but when you have a concrete plan and you set your priorities straight, you’ll find it easier to accomplish your tasks with less stress.

2. Engage in regular exercise: Keeping yourself active can help release tension and alleviate the negative effects of stress. It can also help you enhance physical and mental health in order to face stress head on. Going to the gym, playing sports or even taking short walks helps relieve stress and improve mood.


3. Eat healthy: To cope with stress, it is essential to maintain good health. Consume nutrient-rich foods instead of indulging in comfort foods and drinking too much alcohol. Drink plenty of water and cut back on fats, sugars and caffeine. Also, eat stress-busting foods such as blueberries, salmon and almonds.

4. Get enough sleep and rest: A good night’s sleep relaxes your mind and body, and having enough rest keeps you calm and in control even in stressful situations. Doing activities you enjoy and taking regular vacations is also a good way to manage stress.


5. Try relaxation techniques: Meditation is a fast, effective and convenient way to release stress. Yoga, deep breathing and other meditation techniques provide peace of mind and rejuvenate the body. In addition, having a massage enhances circulation and relaxes the muscles. Using oils such as lavender, peppermint and eucalyptus further boosts mood, calms the mind and reduces fatigue.

6. Reduce stress and have a positive outlook: If possible, steer clear of people or situations that stress you out. In case of inevitable stressful circumstances, learn how to deal with them and accept the things you can’t change. Sometimes it’s just a matter of how you look at things, so beat stress with a positive outlook.


7. Seek support: Let your family and friends help you deal with stress. Stay in touch with them and talk about your concerns and problems. And when you feel like things are getting out of hand, consult your mental health care provider.

Being able to roll with the punches of life and managing stress properly can help you lead a happy, healthy and productive life.
