7 Signs You Could Have A Toxic Liver

Your liver is not only the largest internal organ in the body but also one of the most important! It stores energy, regulates hormones, aids in digestion, and also filters blood. Needless to say, it is a vital entity without which your body would cease to function efficiently. Liver failure, if not diagnosed in the earlier stages, can put you in grave danger.

But a major hurdle you come across when your liver starts to fail is that its symptoms are subtle and almost impossible to detect in the beginning. It is important that you notice the subtle signals your body might be sending you regarding a troubled liver. Here are 7 signs that will help you find out if you have a toxic liver.

1. Fatigue


Unusual fatigue and weakness are constantly associated with liver disease. If you are feeling tired all the time even without doing anything exhausting, then it could be that your liver is in trouble. The fatigue can be coupled with nausea, loss of appetite or diarrhea. It can also be accompanied by mental exhaustion and instability.

These are some of the primary symptoms of liver failure; but as they can be linked to a host of other health disorders, people often dismiss them without seeking medical advice. Do pay a visit to your doctor if you are frequently feeling drained or burnt out.

2. Jaundice


Jaundice in adults is often associated with a toxic liver disease. Jaundice causes your skin and nails to turn yellow and is accompanied by nausea, abdominal pain and vomiting. If you display symptoms of jaundice, chances are that your liver disease has progressed to cirrhosis, which causes your liver to deteriorate fast.

Liver cirrhosis also heightens your risk of getting liver cancer. You are advised to seek immediate medical care if you spot any of these symptoms as chronic cases of jaundice can be fatal.

3. High Cholesterol Levels


High cholesterol can be caused due to a number of health disorders. It could be linked to heart disease, diabetes, faulty kidneys, obesity, and liver disease. People seldom make the connection between their live and their high cholesterol levels, though they should. A sudden increase in your cholesterol levels can be a sign of early stages of toxic liver disease. If you ever notice your cholesterol levels shooting up unusually, it is advised that you get your blood tested immediately to rule out chances of a faulty liver. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

4. Blood Clotting


People who suffer from liver disease usually notice their blood clotting faster than the normal pace. Some other patients find themselves bruising and bleeding unnecessarily, due to liver toxicity. Liver plays an important role in stimulating the blood clotting process and regulating your cholesterol, leading to many issues linked to both these functions when it is out of shape. Many patients who suffer from diseases like liver fibrosis or cirrhosis have been observed to display blood clotting disorders. Do seek expert advice immediately if you experience any of these issues.

5. Lack Of Appetite


Another symptom commonly linked to a weak liver is the constant lack of appetite. The aversion towards food, accompanied with nausea and vomiting can sure signs that your body is hosting an unhealthy liver. This can, in turn, lead to sudden weight loss and mild depression. Usually, your body secretes a hormone called leptin to make you feel full once you have eaten. People who suffer from liver disorders have an increased amount of leptin in their bodies, which would make them feel full always. This is yet another symptom that is commonly overlooked by many people, mistaking it for exhaustion or digestive problems.

6. Swelling In Legs and Abdomen


A bloated belly or swollen lower legs could be telling you that your liver is dying a slow death. As your liver fails to function properly, it causes fluid to build up in your body leading to your stomach and legs to swell up. This is a symptom that is often overlooked in obese patients as the swelling is mistaken for fat, leading to some serious consequences. Bloating or swelling of any kind is never a good sign. These are symptoms that should be noted and checked out immediately.

7. Skin Disorders


As your liver plays a vital role in purifying blood, a weak liver can lead to numerous skin problems. Itchy skin and spider-like veins surfacing on your skin can be a result of swelling that appear under your skin, known as edema. Patients with liver disorders can also display skin rashes or unusually flushed skin, or in the case of diabetics; bronzed skin. These skin problems are initially ignored by many, assuming they are just the after effects of a sugar high,a food allergy, a hot day in the sun, or a fungal infection. If your dermatologist cannot spot the reason behind your skin troubles, then it could be because the leading factor is much more serious.