7 Morning Rituals For A Good Day

There are morning people, and then there are the not-morning people. Whoever you are, what we do when we wake up sets the tone for the rest of the day. Many successful people claim that their morning ritual played a big part on the path to their success. It can be really difficult to actually get yourself to do something as soon as you wake up, but putting that effort in right now will reap mighty benefits in the future. Here are things you can do that can keep your body healthy and your mind serene and happy:

1. Drink Water


Drinking plenty of water in the morning benefits your entire body. You might be dehydrated after 7-8 hours of sleeping, so it helps to rehydrate. Moreover, it helps to flush your system’s toxins out which can leave you feeling less hungry and keep headaches away. It also helps to keep your digestive system healthy and functioning well.

2. Pray/Meditate


Prayer and meditation can help you reflect on your life and think about where you currently are. The most important benefit of prayer or meditation is the ability to feel gratitude. Gratitude has been called the mother of all virtues. Being thankful for the things in your life brings a rush of positivity in your life, and this positivity isn’t fleeting. When we consciously feel grateful for something, the happiness remains throughout the day.

3. Stand Outside


Spending some time outside, even if it is just a minute, can fill our body with newness and energy. Once we get out, taking a deep breath of fresh morning air fills up our lungs and reminds us that we are alive and thriving. This is easier during some seasons, like the summer or the spring, and more difficult during the winter, but even spending 10 seconds to get that breath of fresh air can start our day off right.

4. Get Moving


Move your body around as much as you can in the morning. It could be exercising, doing yoga or just doing jumping jacks next to your bed. This gets your blood flowing and removes the lethargy and grogginess that come with waking up. Moreover, physical activities like exercise prime you for a day filled with energy and vigor, keep your heart and brain healthy, and keep you happy because of the “feel good” chemicals they release.

5. Take A Cold Shower


Cold showers have shown to treat symptoms of depression better than prescription medication. This is because the cold water releases a bunch of mood-boosting neurochemicals that can make you feel happy. This again depends on which season you are currently in, as a cold shower in the depths of winter isn’t a good idea. However, take it up whenever you have a chance to indulge in the benefits that a cold shower can give you.

6. Eat A Full Breakfast


A healthy and full breakfast not only reduces the discomfort of hunger throughout the day, but also keeps your immune system healthy in the long run. Since you essentially fast for more than 12 hours when you skip breakfast, your stomach lining takes the worst hit because of the acid that is continuously released until you eat the next meal. Having breakfast can keep your body functioning well, keep you mentally alert and take care of your health in the long run.

7. Revisit Your Goals


Finally, revisiting your goals and the things you want to achieve in your life can remind you what your day is going to be about. You are going to work or to school to reach a goal, and this goal has higher purposes. Also, reminding yourself of how far you have come, and what you have achieved so far can motivate you to keep moving forward.