3 Best Kitchen Herbs To Grow And Their Uses

3 Best Kitchen Herbs To Grow And Their Uses
3 Best Kitchen Herbs To Grow And Their Uses

Herbs are extremely useful and great way to heal some common ailments naturally. They require little maintenance and can be grown in a small patch of land or in containers near your windows. Herbs are less needy of nutrition than vegetables, so most soil types work well. You can use herbs to make herbal tea or any other concoction and use it in your daily cooking to a dash of freshness, color and flavor.

Below are 3 best herbs to grow for your herb garden if you’re a beginner. There are also recipes and herbal remedies where you can use these herbs. Imagine taking fresh herbs and making fresh herbal tea or make a remedy for flu!


Holy Basil

Also known as ‘tulsi’ in India, it’s a popular herb and worshipped in India and other communities around the world for its healing properties. If you’re using it for cooking, always use it at the end (after you have removed the food from heat) as heat damages the delicate flavor.

Growing Process

Plant seeds or seedlings of basil, a warm-season annual, after the last frost during a warm spell. When flowering tops appear, cut them off (you can use them in salads) to encourage new leaf production. You can sow a second planting of seeds directly in the garden in early summer. When kept indoors, a pot of basil repels flies.


Recommended Varieties

Genovese is best for cooking; ask your nursery about specific varieties for spicy flavor, compact growth habits or frilled foliage.


Refreshing And Cool Peach Lemon Basil Sorbet Recipe 


Holy Basil: The Natural Way to Combat Stress

Amazing health benefits of Basil



Cilantro is a very fragrant herb and can be used for cooking for both its flavor and fragrance. Its beautiful earthy taste lends itself very well to both spicy and bland dishes.

Growing Process

Cilantro is a fast-growing annual, cilantro can be planted in spring and again in late summer. It is among the easiest herbs to start from seeds sown directly in the garden, but it suffers when transplanted. The ripe seeds are what form the spice coriander. To harvest coriander, allow plants to flower and then collect seeds after they turn brown. Store seeds in a cool, dark spot.


Recommended Varieties

Santo lasts longer than most varieties; Delfino has lacy leaves.


Cilantro: Powerhouse of Good Nutrition


Benefits of Coriander Juice


Mint is a very versatile herb and there are many types of mint. It’s easy to dry mint and crush it. It has a fresh taste and can be used as a palate cleanser before or after food. Blending it with other spicy herbs makes for a good curry paste.


Growing Process

Plant mint, a hardy perennial in most areas, in spring. You can start mint from seed, but plants you buy often have better flavor. Mint is a notoriously aggressive spreader, so it’s best to grow it in containers. Clip growing tips monthly to encourage new growth.

Recommended Varieties

Peppermints and spearmints are best for cooking; pineapple mint has beautiful variegated leaves.


Mint Cacao Smoothie Recipe

Chocolate Mint Recipe

Mint for Skin

Ayurvedic Pomegranate Mint Recipe

Mint Juice Benefits


Edited By Rachelle Chandraan