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Honey For Weight Loss: Pros And Cons Of This Natural Sweetener

Honey may not seem the most intuitive weight-loss food, but it may help if you traded your refined sugar intake for this natural antioxidant-rich sweetener. Though it has 17.25 gm of sugar and 64 calories per tablespoon, it may help lower cholesterol, suppress your appetite, and cause less weight gain than if you had sucrose.

Oolong Tea For Weight Loss: 5 Reasons To Make It Your Cup Of Tea

While oolong tea is no magic pill, if you are overweight or obese, this brew could certainly help with weight loss! It bumps up your metabolism, so your energy expenditure rises. It can also help reduce fat accumulation and lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

4 Different Swimming Strokes And Their Benefits

For a high-calorie burn that also tones your core and upper body, try the butterfly stroke. If you’re looking for a full body workout, the crawl or freestyle may be a good place to start. The breaststroke is another popular swimming stroke that is more accessible than the butterfly stroke, easier on the shoulders, back, and neck, making it a comfortable option for many. The backstroke is the ideal way to improve your posture so your spine is lengthened well. And if you’d like to get the best of them all, include a mix of all the different swimming strokes in your weekly routine!

8 Steps To Manage Your Leptin Levels For Weight Loss

Leptin is a hormone that can help you feel full quickly, cutting down your food intake and helping you lose weight. Sadly, this mechanism is impaired in most obese people, who have a leptin resistance. Cut down on sugar, quit alcohol, have protein with each meal, try turmeric, green tea, and oily fish, and exercise regularly to tackle leptin resistance. Also sleep for 7–9 hours to improve leptin levels.

4 Benefits Of Coconut Water For Weight Loss

Coconut water can be a good inclusion in your diet if you’re trying to lose weight. The nutrient-rich drink can replace more calorific drinks and even post-exercise sports drinks. It is low in calories and fat but has a decent amount of fiber, helping keep you full longer. Stick to just 2–3 cups a day. Don't go overboard. It also has potassium and sugar.

Do Calorie-Restriction Diets Really Help In Weight Loss?

It's a common perception that if you eat fewer calories, you can lose weight easily. Although that sounds logically correct, the human body works...

Hormones: A Major Factor That Affects Weight Loss

If you're on a mission to lose weight, you've probably tried everything from cutting down on your calories to spending hours sweating in the...

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