4 Yoga Poses To Bring Your Anxiety Levels Down

Yoga Poses for Anxiety

Our fast-paced lives can leave us feeling overwhelmed and anxious. One of the biggest lessons in yoga is staying focused on the present, which could help to decrease anxiety. Certain yoga poses normally help people release physical or psychological stress, making space for even more focus on breath and present minute, but real effects of a position can not be known till exercised.

4 Yoga Poses For Anxiety

Here are some yoga poses for anxiety. Try yoga for anxiety in the comfort of your home.


Child’s Pose


  • With your head down on a yoga mat or towel, let your hips sink back so you are sitting on your calf bones and feet.
  • Stretch your arms straight out ahead of you or rest them at hands.
  • Feel your back broadening and contracting with your breath, allowing tension to release from your body and mind.
  • Hold this pose for a couple of minutes, if comfortable.

Bridge Pose



Practicing bridge pose can lower anxiety, stress and tiredness. You can also try this position if you experience head or backaches.

  • From child’s pose, roll onto your back, with your feet on the floor a few inches from your hips.
  • Knees and feet ought to remain parallel throughout the posture.
  • Raise your hips towards the ceiling, then clasp your hands together under your back.
  • Avoid pushing your neck and head into the floor.
  • Bridge posture can be restorative, especially, when you put a block or blanket under your hips.

Camel Pose



In this gentle back-bend, tension built up in the head, shoulders, back and chest is released.

  • Kneel down on a folded yoga mat or blanket.
  • Place your palms on your lower back on each side of your spine.
  • Draw your elbows toward each other, letting your upper body point back into a comfortable back-bend.
  • If you feel any tightness in your spinal column, lean back less.
  • Deepen area throughout your shoulders and chest with five to seven breaths.
  • In another variant of the same, you can clasp your ankles while leaning back.
  • Rest in child’s pose for a couple of minutes.

Standing Forward Fold

Standing forward fold can be a deep stress reliever, especially if you allow your knees to soften to accommodate tight hamstrings.

  • From a standing position, reach your hands gradually towards your feet.
  • Let your upper body hang down, unwinding your head, neck, shoulders, back and chest.
  • You can stand in forward bend for up to one minute and increase the time gradually. Get out of the pose, back to standing, or rest again in child’s pose for a couple of minutes.

